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Mechanical Energy Balance

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1 Mechanical Energy Balance
CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

2 2.9 Shell momentum balance inside a pipe
Objective: To Derive a Velocity Profile (eqn.)for Newtonian Fluids flowing inside a pipe CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

3 2.9 Shell momentum balance inside a pipe
Let us consider the following simplifications: Incompressible Newtonian fluid One dimensional flow Laminar flow Fully developed flow (no entrance effect and velocity is independent from x) CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

4 2.9 Shell momentum balance inside a pipe
Fully developed flow (no entrance effect and velocity is independent from x) CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

5 Net momentum efflux = rate of momentum out - rate of momentum in
The pressure forces = Net momentum efflux = rate of momentum out - rate of momentum in CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

6 Mechanical Energy Balance
So: CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

7 Mechanical Energy Balance
If the momentum flux cannot be infinite at r = 0, Then C must be zero: CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

8 Mechanical Energy Balance
The shear stress profile Newtonian fluids: Equating the two equations: Integrating and using the boundary condition vx (r=R) = 0: CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

9 This result means that the velocity distribution is parabolic
This result means that the momentum flux varies linearly with the radius This result means that the velocity distribution is parabolic CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

10 Mechanical Energy Balance
Using the definition of the average velocity: We obtain in this case, the Hagen-Poiseuille equation: CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

11 Mechanical Energy Balance
CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

12 Quiz #2: Sec. 2.7 Next Class (Monday) 26/11/1432H
CHE315 Mechanical Energy Balance

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