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JOP Java Optimized Processor DI Martin Schöberl. Content Targets Java Virtal Machine Three different architectures Datapath of JOP3 First results.

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Presentation on theme: "JOP Java Optimized Processor DI Martin Schöberl. Content Targets Java Virtal Machine Three different architectures Datapath of JOP3 First results."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOP Java Optimized Processor DI Martin Schöberl

2 Content Targets Java Virtal Machine Three different architectures Datapath of JOP3 First results

3 Targets Small processor Fits in a main stram FPGA Efficient execution of byte codes JVM real time enabled organization of local memory ? Multi processor on a single chip ?

4 Java Virtual Machine 32 (64) Bit stack machine Variable length instructions Simple to very complex instructions Symbolic references Stack, heap, constants and code

5 First Approach Accu/Register Machine RISC like instruction set 16 Bit instruction set 32 Bit datapath 3 stage pipeline All instructions single cycle Larg register file (up to 1024) JVM complete in SW

6 Second Approach + special register SP, AR 16 register + 16 constants Stack in local memory 8 Bit instruction Memory interface ‚extern‘ Byte code fetch/decode in HW 2+3 stage pipeline JVM instruction min. 3 cycles

7 JOP3 Stack machine Byte code is instruction set 8 Bit microcode Basic JVM instructions single cycle 4 stage pipeline No traps for complex instructions


9 JOP3 Read/Write SP SP P SP M IRIR 1 + + A vp 1 1 + vp 2 2 + vp 3 3 + vp ix + cp ix + vp cp A A A JINSJINS RDADDRRDADDR WRADDRWRADDR SPM

10 JOP3 Execute A ld and or xor shr IORIOR B RAM wraddr dout wrena rdaddr din + - sp vp0 cp imm

11 Status Cores run on Altera ACEX 1K30-3 Periphery: IO port, SRAM- and Flash interface, UART, ECP First real application under development

12 Performance ‚useless‘ benchmark (prime) 486SX25: 1.2M transistors e.g. 300k gates ACEX 1K30: 24 MHz, 30k gates

13 Documentation as HTML All VHDL, ASM and Java sources Actual version for download

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