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Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Power Point Presentations Contents –Topics and Presentation Dates –Your Grade –Technical Matters –Time Management –Working in Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Power Point Presentations Contents –Topics and Presentation Dates –Your Grade –Technical Matters –Time Management –Working in Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Power Point Presentations Contents –Topics and Presentation Dates –Your Grade –Technical Matters –Time Management –Working in Groups –Design Considerations –The Oral Presentation

2 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Presentations - Topics and Dates I GROUPSTOPICDATE 1 and 3Ptolemy the Astronomer – Life and Accomplishments October 23 2 and 4Isaac Newton – Life and Accomplishments October 23 5 and 7Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier – Life and Accomplishments October 25 6 and 8The History of the Metric System October 25 9 and 11Jean-Baptiste Lamarck – Life and Accomplishments October 28

3 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Presentations - Topics and Dates II GROUPSTOPICDATE 10 and 12Charles Darwin – Life and Accomplishments October 28 13 and 15Gregor Mendel – Life and Accomplishments October 30 14 and 16James Watt – Life and Accomplishments October 30 17 and 19Thomas A. Edison – Life and Accomplishments November 1 18 and 20Oliver Heaviside – Life and Accomplishments November 1

4 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Your Grade I Your presentation will be graded based on its content, the quality of the groups’ oral presentation and the presentation’s design. Each group member must participate equally in the preparation of the project (the “research”), the creation of the presentation (the “computer skill”) and its oral presentation in class.

5 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Your Grade II Content (25%) –Correctness –Relevancy –Quality Design (20%) –Technical competency –Aesthetics –Design coherency

6 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Your Grade III Oral Presentation (30%) –Fluent presentation –Competent presenters –No notes –Staying within the time limit Equal Participation and Group Coherency (15%) –All members participate equally in the presentation. –All members show up prepared and show up on time. –Everyone in the group knows his/her part. Citations (10%) –Complete citations on last slide

7 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 You can borrow laptops with Internet access from ACES to use within the facility. The PowerPoint presentation should be stored on a floppy disk (make and bring a backup floppy also). If the content of your presentation exceeds the storage capacity of a floppy disk, you can email the final.ppt file to me at at least two days before the presentation, and I will put the file on a CD. Your.ppt file has to be turned in immediately after your presentation. I will “publish” your file on our class webpage. Computer Access, Storage, Publication etc.

8 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Time Management 1.Gather material (research, pictures, etc.) 2.“Digest” the material (read, understand, sort out) 3.Plan the content of the presentation On average each slide takes about 2 minutes, so your presentation should have about 10-12 slides. 4.Produce the PowerPoint presentation Use a “slide master” or “theme” to achieve a coherent design 5.Plan and prepare the oral presentation 6.Check and double-check….

9 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Working in Groups I This assignment differs from other assignments this semester in two important ways: –You will prepare outside of class Time management becomes harder. Scheduling problems must be addressed and solved by the group! –You will work in a large group Larger groups are better for creative projects since they provide more varied input than a small group Group coherency can become a problem!

10 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Working in Groups II It is beneficial to appoint specific group members to specific tasks within the group, e.g. Time Manager –Is the group on schedule? Scheduler –Has telephone numbers/email addresses of all group members –Arranges meetings; makes sure every group member knows when/where to meet Group Observer –How well is the group working as a group? –Does everyone in the group participate equally?

11 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Working in Groups III More Tasks…. Encourager of Participation –Is everyone in the group having the opportunity to voice his/her opinions? Checker of Understanding –Does every group member understand the material discussed? – Does everyone know what’s going on? Manager of Materials –Responsible for safe keeping of the material used –Responsible for bringing PowerPoint presentation (ppt file) to class; makes backups for emergencies

12 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Design Considerations I A good PowerPoint presentation –Contains a table of contents –Contains references at the end of the presentation –Uses a coherent design, but varies the layout of the pages –Balances textual and graphical elements –Avoids audio and other overly distracting elements unless necessitated by the topic

13 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Design Considerations II An oral PowerPoint presentation does not use the automatic timing feature – this feature is intended for automatic slide shows (no presenters) only.

14 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Oral Presentation A good oral presentation features –Speakers who are well prepared and competent –Speakers who do not use notes The PowerPoint presentation itself serves as a mnemonic aid for the presenter The presenters may use a printed version of the presentation slides –Speakers who encourage audience participation This might conflict with time limitations of the presentation –Speakers who also interact non-verbally with the audience Eye contact, body language…

15 Fall 2002UNIV 1301 Good Luck, y’all! Don’t forget to have some fun... This presentation is posted on the web as

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