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Web Services Trenton Fairbanks Sung Wan Kim Laura Samartin Jumpei Takatsuki.

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1 Web Services Trenton Fairbanks Sung Wan Kim Laura Samartin Jumpei Takatsuki

2 Do you remember? Microsoft “.Net” Strategy on June 22, 2000 "Our goal is to move beyond today's world of standalone Web sites to an Internet of interchangeable components where devices and services can be assembled into cohesive, user-driven experiences" Spurce:

3 “Heating up” Technology 5%Implemented Web services in 2002* 80% Plan to implement in three years* 54%Want to use for integration in 2003** 48%Already implemented by 2004*** 71%Will increase spending in 2005*** $21BMarket value in 2007* Spurce: *IDC, **Gartner, ***Yankee Group

4 Key Players IBM“On demand” Microsoft“.NET” HP“Adaptive enterprise” Sun“Java”

5 Key Players OracleOracle Application Server 10g BEAWebLogic Server 9.0 “Diablo” CAWSDM R3.1 Many small vendors for management tools

6 What is Web Services Open and standardized technology that integrates internal and external applications, letting companies use applications hosted from other companies’ servers and develop own applications to be used by others on the Internet

7 Definition: IBM An interface that describes a collection of operations that are network accessible through standardized XML message Source: “Web Service Architecture: Technical Overview of the Pieces” IBM Corporation

8 Definition: Microsoft Protocols that enable computers to work together by exchanging messages Based on the standard protocols of XML, SOAP, and WSDL, which allow them to interoperate across platforms and programming languages Source:

9 How it works Citigroup and Yamato Transport Group and a competitor Yamato Transport Groupa competitor

10 Key Features Service Oriented Architecture Open and standardized technologies Interoperability

11 Key Technologies XML SOAP WSDL/WSFL UDDI

12 How Technologies Work User firm Provider of Web services SOAP Protocol Collaborate services through SOAP “Service Oriented Architecture”

13 How XML and WSDL Work XML User firm Provider of Web services WSDL Document SOAP Protocol Open and Standardized technology “Interoperable”

14 How UDDI Work XML UDDI Registry User firm Provider of Web services WSDL Document SOAP Protocol RegisterSearch and find

15 UDDI/UBR IBM UDDI Business Registry IBM UDDI Business Registry Microsoft UDDI Business Registry SAP UDDI Business Registry

16 Benefits Flexible and easier integration - Both internal and external Lower development costs - You can use other’s application Another source of revenue - You can sell your application as ASP Higher productivity of workers

17 Constraints Spurce:

18 Constraints Technology: Security and Reliability concerns Business: Budget concern and Lack of Knowledge Economy

19 Any question?

20 Appendix Global XML Web Services Architecture - Oct 23, 2001 Modular General purpose Federated Standards based

21 Appendix WSDM 1.0: Web Services Distributed Management was voted an OASIS standard in March 2005 WSMF 2.0: Web Services Management Framework

22 How UDDI Works




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