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Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Consumer Insights for NCR Corporation Pvt. Ltd - Omnibus Findings A Report May 2007.

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1 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Consumer Insights for NCR Corporation Pvt. Ltd - Omnibus Findings A Report May 2007

2 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Background NCR corporation Private limited would like to understand the general trends among people with respect to queuing and related areas Nielsen | Omnibus was chosen as a tool to help the client gain a quick understanding on current trends in this context

3 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Research Design TG – Working Men / Women – SEC A/B – 25-45 yrs Centres – Mumbai – Delhi – Kolkata – Bangalore – Chennai Sample Sizes – Male :250 per centre; Female:100 per centre Purposive Sampling – quotas maintained by age, occupation & SEC Timing – April 07

4 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Achieved Sample size MenWomenTotal Delhi249110359 Mumbai251102353 Kolkata259101360 Bangalore259101360 Chennai250100350 Total12685141782

5 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Detailed Findings

6 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Base: All Respondents 1782 All Figs in % At an overall level, 85% of the respondents claim to have become less patient about queuing Less patient about queuing

7 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Base : All Respondents - Mumbai-353, Delhi-359, Chennai-350 All Figs in % Mumbai Delhi Some differences across Centres – Mumbai (96%) shows highest number of respondents who claim to be less patient about queuing followed by Chennai (94%). Both centres show higher scores than the ‘All’ level Chennai

8 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Base : All Respondents - Bangalore-360, Kolkata -360 All Figs in % Bangalore Across centres, people are becoming less patient about having to spend time in queues Kolkata

9 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company At an overall level, 85% of the respondents claim to have become less patient about queuing Base: All Respondents 1782 Cities: Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai All Figs in % ALL METRO CUMULATIVE

10 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Base: All Respondents 1782 Close to 60% of the respondents spend more than 30 mins in queues in a typical week. All Figs in % Time spent in queues

11 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company (All Figs in %) AllDelhiMumbaiKolkata Bangalor e Chennai Base: All Respondents 1782359353360 350 Less than 30minutes42523249 26 Between 30 minutes and 1 hour 423548403651 1-2 hours11916101112 2-3 hours313227 More than 3 hours221-34 Avg time. (In Mins)494452434859 Time spent in queues Slight variations across centres for time spent in queues – In Delhi higher number respondents spend less than 30 minutes in the queue whereas for Mumbai and Chennai it is between 30 mins to 1 hour Average time for being in queues also higher for Mumbai and Chennai

12 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company While queuing, respondents seem to face most problems at banks and ticketing counters, followed by bill payment counters All Figs in % Base: All Respondents 1782 Cities: Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai ALL METRO CUMULATIVE Places where most problems encountered

13 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company (All Figs in %) AllDelhiMumbaiKolkata Bangalor e Chennai Base: All Respondents 1782359353360 350 Bank344637293425 Ticketing Counter303438261638 Bill payment271420453524 Airports111--5 Shopping Malls454163 Places where most problems encountered Delhi facing queue related problems in Banks, Kolkata in bill payment while Chennai faces higher problems in Ticketing counters

14 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Most common outcomes of standing in long queues is getting angry, followed by changing service provider, having to cancel or reschedule important plans All Figs in % ALL METRO CUMULATIVE Reactions to being in queue for a long time Base: All Respondents 1782 Cities: Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai

15 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company (All Figs in %) AllDelhiMumbaiKolkata Bangalor e Chennai Base: All Respondents 1782359353360 350 Got really angry605539775477 Changed Service Provider 263733142617 Cancelled/Reschedul ed important plan 231417221447 Had an argument221810223625 Pushed in line20269112725 Reactions to being in que for long time Getting angry with others is the most common outcome across centres

16 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company For most respondents creating an area with another line seems to be topmost solution, closely followed by self service solutions and service providers hiring more employees All Figs in % ALL METRO CUMULATIVE Suggestions for reducing queuing related frustrations Base: All Respondents 1782 Cities: Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai

17 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company (All Figs in %) AllDelhiMumbaiKolkata Bangalor e Chennai Base: All Respondents 1782359353360 350 Create area with another line 485030424576 Offer self service solutions 464838533756 Hire more Workers45259665077 Display time for wait354530164244 Mumbai is looking for self service solutions whereas Delhi is looking for more queues in another area Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai seem to look for more workers at the service location as a solution Suggestions for reducing queuing related frustrations

18 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company ATM machines top the list of self service solutions desired by respondents followed by Ticketing Kiosks. All Figs in % Base: All Respondents 1782 Cities: Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chennai ALL METRO CUMULATIVE Preferred self service solutions

19 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company (All Figs in %) AllDelhiMumbaiKolkata Bangalor e Chennai Base: All Respondents 1782359353360 350 ATM Machines687445837170 Ticketing kiosks615649724483 Self check out kiosks at shopping malls 2224873141 Self check in kiosks at airports 19265111834 More ATMs preferred across centres for future Chennai and Kolkata also looking for more Ticketing kiosks Preferred self service solutions

20 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Summary Increasingly more respondents claim to have become less patient about being in queues Time spent in queues for close to 60% of the respondents is more than half an hour in a week. Average time being 49 minutes. Banks, ticketing counters and bill payment centres are the main areas where most queuing related problems are encountered Reactions to long waits in the queue include getting angry, changing service provider, canceling appointments and getting into arguments Areas with multiple queues, self-service solutions, more employees at location of queues are the top 3 suggestions for reducing queuing related frustrations. Displaying wait time does not figure on the top. This could be because this solution will not help in reducing wait time in queues. More than 60% respondents look forward to more ATM machines and Ticketing kiosks in the future as a self service solution.

21 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Appendix

22 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Monthly Household Income (All Figs in %) All Base: All Respondents1782 Below Rs.50003 Rs.5001-800010 Rs.8001-1000017 Rs.10001-1500028 Rs.15001-2000021 Rs.20001-250008 Rs.25001 +12 Avg. (In Rs.)14491.83

23 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Base: All Respondents 1782 All Figs in % Occupation & Education Occupation Education

24 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company Base: All Respondents 1782 All Figs in % Marital status & Family structure Marital Status Family Structure

25 Confidential & Proprietary Copyright © 2007 The Nielsen Company

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