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Worship Leader: We gather together in Jesus’ name All: Help us to explore, discover and learn together.

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1 Worship Leader: We gather together in Jesus’ name All: Help us to explore, discover and learn together

2 Next Sunday the Church will celebrate “Palm Sunday” when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. It was the beginning of the last week of Jesus’ life. It must have been a difficult journey for Jesus, as he knew he would be arrested and killed in Jerusalem.

3 We have heard a lot about people today who also have difficult and unhappy journeys to make as refugees from areas where there is fighting.

4 Many people leave their families at home and go abroad to find work to support them. In Vellore many fathers go to work in the Gulf States and may not see their families for years.

5 This week’s Lent Challenge Bishop Stephen is challenging us to think about all those who are on difficult journeys and to think about whether we can help them.

6 God our Father, We pray for all the people of the world who are live unhappy or difficult lives: for the people who do not have enough to eat; for the people who have no home; for those who are ill and cannot get help; for the children who cannot get an education. We give thanks for all the many people who volunteer to help others who need their support. We ask that you inspire us to work for others too. Amen

7 Worship Leader: Go in peace to discover God’s world and your place in it. All: We go in Jesus’ name

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