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Easter. Learning objectives Learn basic vocabulary Learn the story Describe historical context of Easter.

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Presentation on theme: "Easter. Learning objectives Learn basic vocabulary Learn the story Describe historical context of Easter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter

2 Learning objectives Learn basic vocabulary Learn the story Describe historical context of Easter

3 I don‘t force you to believe anything. I want you to learn the historical facts. I want you to know the context. I want you to think.

4 Day of Holy WeekCzechThis year‘s date Palm SundayKvětná neděle24th March Holy Wednesday Spy Wednesday Škaredá středa27th March Holy ThursdayZelený čtvrtek28th March Good FridayVelký pátek29th March Holy Saturday Silent Saturday Bílá sobota30th March Easter Sunday Boží hod velikonoční 31st March Easter Monday Velikonoční pondělí 1st April Easter Calendar

5 Day of Holy WeekEvent Palm Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. People greet him with palm branches. Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday) Judas Iscariot conspires with the Council to betray Jesus for thirty silver coins. Holy Thursday Jesus has supper with the twelve disciples. Jesus establishes the Lord's Supper, or Communion. Judas betrays Jesus to the soldiers. Jesus is arrested. Peter denies Jesus three times. Jesus stands before Pilate. Easter Calendar

6 Day of Holy Week Event Good Friday Jesus is beaten and tortured. Jesus is executed on the cross. (Jesus is crucified.) Holy Saturday (Silent Saturday) Jesus‘ dead body stays in the tomb. Easter SundayJesus is resurrected. Easter Monday Easter Calendar

7 Easter is a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The week before Easter is called Holy Week. The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday. Then we have Holy Wednesday (also Spy Wednesday) Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday (also Silent Saturday) Easter Sunday Easter Monday In our country Easter lasts two days: Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Easter is a moveable feast. It is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. Easter is on the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox. An equinox occurs twice a year (around 20 March and 22 September), when night and day are about equal length. The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). The date of Easter varies between 22 March and 25 April.

8 Animated Introduction to the Easter Story

9 Jesus was a real person. He lived 2000 years ago. He was born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth.

10 When he was 30 years old he started teaching people. He made sick people better. He fed thousands of people with a little food. He told a storm to stop. He raised dead people back to life.

11 He worried the leaders. They didn‘t like what he was saying and doing. They arrested him. They sentenced him to death.

12 The Easter Story Animated 1/3 - Jesus is Nailed to a Cross

13 The soldiers took Jesus to Golgota. They nailed Jesus to a cross. They gambled for his clothes. The inscription over him read: „This is the King of the Jews.“

14 The soldiers also nailed two criminals to the crosses. People made fun of Jesus: „Save yourself, and come down from the cross!“ „He saved others but he can‘t save himself.“

15 The Easter Story Animated 2/3 - The Death of Jesus

16 „My God, why have you deserted me?“ Jesus shouted and then died. The curtain in the temple tore in two, from top to bottom. The officer said: „This man really was the son of God.“

17 The Easter Story Animated 3/3 - Jesus is Alive

18 Early in the morning the women went to the tomb. The huge stone was rolled away. The women went into the tomb. The angel said: „God raised Jesus to life. Now go and tell His disciples.“

19 Animated: The Easter Story

20 Why was Jesus executed? Because he fought injustice and corruption.

21 Jesus was a real person a thinker a philosopher an organizer a politician

22 1. I want you to go. 2. Easter Monday 3. I was born in 1995. 4. She was born in Vsetín. 5. The soldiers arrested him. 6. A murderer was executed in Texas. 7. Go and tell them. Easter Jméno:Třída:Datum:21=7x3

23 The Resurrection -- The Beginners Bible Deluxe Edition

24 Easter Video: Celebration of the passion of Christ

25 He became like one of us. What do you want to become?

26 He was baptized. Are you baptized?

27 He was tempted. I am tempted to do it. It is a big temptation.

28 He called people to follow him. Follow me! I want to follow you everywhere.

29 He taught people. teach, taught, taught She wants to teach children. She wants to become a teacher.

30 He opposed corruption. Your database was corrupted. Corruption is a big problem. The file is either missing or corrupt.

31 He fought injustice. fight, fought, fought Let‘s fight! It was a hard fight. He is a brave fighter.

32 He wanted to bring peace and justice. Bring me a cup of coffee!

33 He was betrayed. Don‘t betray me! His accent betrayed him.

34 He was deserted. The streets are deserted. My courage deserted me.

35 He was crowned with thorns. It costs twenty crowns.

36 He died. My grandfather died when he was 92.

37 He rose from the dead. He was resurrected. A new town is rising from the ruins. The sun rose at 5:32.

38 Easter Sand Animation I - Last Supper, Luke 22

39 Easter Sand Animation Part II - The Trial of Jesus - Luke 22-23

40 Easter Sand Animation III - Jesus Crucified - Luke 23

41 Easter Sand Animation IV - Resurrection, Ascension - Luke 24

42 The Resurrection -- The Beginners Bible Deluxe Edition

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