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Designer/Contractor JV- Apron Services Projects- A Winning Case

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Presentation on theme: "Designer/Contractor JV- Apron Services Projects- A Winning Case"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designer/Contractor JV- Apron Services Projects- A Winning Case
The KAIA project Case Study

2 Introduction The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate :
How early Engineer( designer/ Contractor coordination and cooperation can overcome the difficulties encountered Highlight unforeseen and foreseen difficulties and challenges encountered in the KAIA project

3 Introduction AME- DEP JV KAIA back Ground and Scope of Work
Project Constraints Project Deliverables Project Procurement Plan Systems Design Conclusion

4 Designer / Contractor JV
AME Background DEP Background AME-DEP JV and history of cooperation DEP Role in KAIA:DEP is doing design – shop dwgs – technical procurement submittals – construction management and cost control AME is an Aviation Systems Specialist company based in UAE and has presence in KSA and has references all over the middle east as my colleague T Sh explained in his presentaiton yest. DEP is a design office based in Lebanon and has offices in KSA and projects in the Gulf and MENA regions

5 Project Background and Scope of Work
Client : GACA Main Contractor : Saudi Bin Ladein Group – SBG Apron Subcontractor – Al Mabani AGC Apron Services Subcontractor – AME/DEP

6 Project Background and Scope of Work
Potable water treatment plants and potable water piping network from Tech. rooms to pits. Blue water treatment plants and blue water piping from Tech. rooms to toilet pits. Vacuum receiver plants and piping network. PCA air handling units and corresponding under-gound ducting and PCA pits Glycol chilled water plant rooms and networks. GPU 400 Hz system and pits

7 Project Background and Scope of Work
Aprons and PTB Area in scope

8 Project Deliverables Material Submittals Design and shop drawings
Method statements Monthly Progress Reports O & M manuals As Built Drawings Testing and Commissioning Reports Training Warranties

9 Project Constraints The main constraints challenging AME at this project are the following: The short project duration which is by any standards is very tight for the scope of work at hand . The different layers of upstream parties, mainly the CM and designers , and at a second level Main Contractor and Subcontractors The Various unforeseen changes from the original tender design due to site conditions / project updated requirements / cost and time constraints The delays in design / approvals / material

10 Project Constraints The difficulty of direct communication between many of the parties due to contractual constraints The peculiarity of some of the specified items such as: Vacuum drainage system Glycol sub cooling method SS PCA Duct for mobile ACU The interface with other contract packages which could increase the number of unforeseen problems.

11 Why a Designer on Board is a Winning Case
The Complexity of the modern airport systems makes it necessary to do every bit of study and calculations and drawings to achieve a coordinated installation To get seamless relations with the CM which is himself is an engineer The various changes in design during construction due to site conditions requires a designer on board during the construction to find the proper solutions When a Designer is in direct contact with the specialists / suppliers the design will be more customized and more understanding to the equipment strengths and weaknesses.

12 Examples of Unforeseen Difficulties
Changes in the Client Requirements Suppliers uncontrolled supply delays Site level changes and various obstructions Differences in Contract requirements interpretations

13 Project Procurement Plan
AME has prepared a procurement plan relating to time and cash flow to suit the project schedule and technical requirements. The basic elements of this plan are : Establishing a basket of reputable suppliers Providing proper material submittals for approval Identifying long lead items and placing orders on time Delivering the material on site as per project schedule

14 H-Project Manpower Histogram

15 I-Communication Plan --

16 Why Centralized Apron Services
Here we see a typical service arrangement using traditional support systems necessary to support the aircraft. Note how the red encircled equipment: GPU PCA Potable Water Lavatory Service Fueling Typical Service– B-777 t

17 The Solution….Apron Services
Note: Fuel Trucks shown Removed (Hydrant Fueling) And now we see a Ramp of the Future, an a reality of today……being designed, supplied, installed and commissioned by Avicorp Middle East. 90 KVA PCAir PCAir 90 KVA H2O Blue H20 Lavatory

18 MARS GATES Multi Aircraft Ramp System The KAIA MARS configurations. Multi – Aircraft – Ramp – System. All service pits are coordinated to service all aircraft

19 Systems Design Vacuum System
Unique Vacuum Lavatory and Blue Water service clears the ramp of additional equipment movement. Connections for the aircraft for Lavatory and blue water service come from a single service pit. Vacuum System

20 Systems Design 140 Lav pits Vacuum System

21 Systems Design Toilet Pit

22 Systems Design Vacuum Lines Profile

23 Glycol Chilled Water System
Systems Design Glycol Chilled Water System 96 PCA pits – 50 PCA units – 46 nodes- 6 chillers each 1050 KW cooling

24 Glycol System Configuration
Systems Design Glycol System Configuration

25 PCA Unit Installation Detail
Systems Design PCA Unit Installation Detail

26 Common is a delivery method…. Pits with or without potable water, Reel
PW Reel Pit Access PCA Hoses Valves Common is a delivery method…. Pits with or without potable water, Reel Pit Access Insulated Hoses Internal valves allowing to an optimized sup0ply network. PCAir and Potable Water Pits

27 Central Glycol Plants Thermal Design
Civil works design and installation Distribution Network Responsible for Performance Chiller Supply Avicorp recommends a single source for design and installation supervision of central glycol chillers and distribution network. Here we see the KAIA installation, where Avicorp is providing design supervision, installation and supply. Three plus KM of pipe is being supplied and installed by Avicorp.

28 Systems Design Potable Water System
The potable water hoses are in the same pit as the PCA Potable Water System

29 Systems Design Potable Water System
The potable water hoses are in the same pit as the PCA Potable Water System

30 Systems Design Blue Water System
The potable water hoses are in the same pit as the PCA Blue Water System

31 Systems Design Valve Chamber Detail
The potable water hoses are in the same pit as the PCA Valve Chamber Detail

32 Systems Design Service Pits (400 Hz)
Or the most popular hatch pit designs. Note the easy access the supply cables…and the clear ramp with the covers closed. Simplicity of design, lack of an intrusive pop-up mechanism prevent jamming and damage from GSE movement. Service Pits (400 Hz)

33 Systems Design The GPU Approach PBB Mounted Reels or……Pits
Power delivery to the aircraft Bridge mounted reels or Pop-UpPits. The GPU Approach PBB Mounted Reels or……Pits

34 Conclusion An early designer intervention and close cooperation with the specialist / contractor is a key factor in the project success

35 Thank You

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