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1. Visualization and Collaboration and Network Evolution Increasing importance – a continuing and big impact – For example: CarletonU’s Eucalyptus project.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Visualization and Collaboration and Network Evolution Increasing importance – a continuing and big impact – For example: CarletonU’s Eucalyptus project."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Visualization and Collaboration and Network Evolution Increasing importance – a continuing and big impact – For example: CarletonU’s Eucalyptus project for architectural collaborative design that uses UCLP to reconfigure the network based on resources required. 4x1Gbps. Tools include shared high resolution models, uncompressed SD or HD conferencing, HD document camera – McGill’s Shared Spaces -- Multi-screen uncompressed HD real sized VC: 5Gbps – New apps need reconfigurable networks or at least lots of available capacity to make this work – Dedicated lightpaths

2 2. Role for CineGrid to Improve Content Quality & Interactivity >Biggest challenge is last mile/kilometer – Many campuses and other sites don’t have capable infrastructure – CineGrid provide a key role if it helps stimulate this through funding or even through peer pressure >CineGrid should use its connection to well- established “science” research groups to identify and implement key cross-over applications – Must be clearly superior to existing services for acceptance

3 3. Artists and Technologists Working Together >We’ve seen such collaborations happen many times (Moveable Feast (next gen Cinema?), SAT in Montreal, Eucalyptus) – Fun! Interesting! Exciting! Can show well – or be obscure. – Results in new approaches but unless there’s a concerted effort to get the results in use they often result only in demos and only peripheral long term effects – critical mass issue? – But some things outside the (traditional) research community can have some significant effects – Azureus (HD YouTube) – perhaps only when community gets large enough – New models/languages for storytelling may emerge – a new immersive cinema – New highly distributed workflow models (modulo latency)

4 4. New R&E Net Developments >Discipline specific IP networks on optical substrate such as CANARIE with UCLP essential >Huge increase in the numbers of places that can be reached with gigabit or multi-gigabit connections will really push new visualization and cinema, dance, performance, teaching and mentoring apps >Not so much new technical developments but a wider deployment of existing high-end infrastructure such that it reaches a critical size – How much is enough?

5 5. Network Researchers Learn >Special/defining characteristics of high-bandwidth time critical streams – handle well (but hard too see that this would be too significant) >Justifies the existence of our networks

6 6. 5 Year plan @ CANARIE >Coverage/Access: With renewed funding… will extend direct lightpath connections and capabilities directly to many new and existing facilities that could be CineGrid users >Security/Support: In our model, support and security is a local or consortium responsibility

7 7. GLIF lessons for CineGrid >Get real world applications happening ASAP >Include the right players ASAP >Get visibility first, then work on regularizing and developing the key processes & services – Use initial experiences to inform that development

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