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By Millard E. Lightburn, Ph.D. District Science Supervisor Curriculum Support Specialists Mary Tweedy and Keisha Kidd 05/13-5/16/20131 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "By Millard E. Lightburn, Ph.D. District Science Supervisor Curriculum Support Specialists Mary Tweedy and Keisha Kidd 05/13-5/16/20131 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Millard E. Lightburn, Ph.D. District Science Supervisor Curriculum Support Specialists Mary Tweedy and Keisha Kidd 05/13-5/16/20131 ELEMENTARY SCIENCE LEADERS AND COACHES DIALOGUE SESSION 6 (DATA ANALYSIS) (May 13 – May 16, 2013)

2 1.Welcome Remarks & Norms 2. Data Analysis: Gr 3, 4 & 5 3. Feedback on Grade 5 YAG 4. Hands-on Activities: Properties of Water 5. Human Growth and Development 6. Develop Essential Questions 7. Think Like a Scientist 8. Provide Feedback on Marlins Lessons 7. Evaluation/Follow-up 05/13-5/16/20132

3 Data can… provide feedback on the past and provide a basis to begin planning for the future 3 What Kind of Information can Data Provide us? 05/13-5/16/2013

4 4  Facilitate a clear understanding of the gaps between where the school or class is and where it wants to be.  Show if school or class goals and objectives are being accomplished.  Predict and prevent failures.  Predict and ensure successes.  Establish foundation for Continuous School Improvement/SIP.  Data drives instruction, and professional development. 05/13-5/16/2013

5 5 Effective Use of Classroom Data Teaching Using Results Planning Student Learning Assessing Source: Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit 05/13-5/16/2013

6  GRADE 5 SCIENCE INTERIM ASSESSMENT RESULTS (2012-2013) 05/13-5/16/20136

7 7


9 2011-12 RESULTS 05/13-5/16/20139

10 10

11 05/13-5/16/201311 AssessmentEnrollment Number of Students Tested Percent Tested* Average Percent Correct Percent Proficient* Baseline25,95824,14193%45%5% Fall IA26,14425,09896%49%11% Winter IA26,20123,58190%51%12% Post-Test26,20112,06546%60%29% * Proficiency level = 70% GRADE 5 INTERIM ASSESSMENTS RESULTS 2011-2012 AssessmentEnrollment Number of Students TestedPercent Tested* Average Percent Correct Percent Proficient* Baseline23,07647%6% Fall IA24,03551%49% Winter IA24,45753%52% Post-Test8,87562%34% *Proficiency Level = 53% GRADE 5 INTERIM ASSESSMENTS RESULTS 2012-2013

12 QUESTION GROUPBASELINE 2011 2012 FALL IA 2011 2012 WINTER IA 2012 2013 POST-TEST 2012 2013 Nature of Science35% 38%40% 42%46% 48%47% 50% Earth Space Science42% 45%44% 46%54% 57%56% 59% Physical Science51% 53%51% 54%53% 56%67% 68% Life Science46% 47%55% 57%48% 49%62% 63% Number of Students Tested24,141 2307625,098 24,075 23,581 24,437 12,065 8,785 05/13-5/16/201312 GRADE 5 SCIENCE INTERIMS COMPARATIVE RESULTS FOR 2011-12 AND 2012-2013

13 05/13-5/16/201313

14  Over the summer we will conduct statistical analysis of each item on the interims to determine reliability and validity.  After FCAT 2.0 scores are released, MDCPS will correlate Interim scores to FCAT scale scores to set proficiency levels for interims.  After FCAT 2.0 scores are released, DOE will develop cut scores for achievement levels. 05/13-5/16/201314

15  Grade 5 Science Interim cut scores are based on statistical regression analysis between students performance on Interim Assessment and scale scores on 2012 FCAT 2.0: Fall IA satisfactory cut score: 51% or higher Winter IA satisfactory cut score: 53% or higher (Cut Scores) 05/13-5/16/201315

16  DOE Report on Gr. 5 Science Content Focus from 2012 FCAT 2.0 DOE Report on Gr. 5 Science Content Focus from 2012 FCAT 2.0 05/13-5/16/201316

17  Scale Score for Each Achievement Level (140-260) Scale Score for Each Achievement Level (140-260) 05/13-5/16/201317

18  Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level Descriptions Grade 5 Science FCAT 2.0 Achievement Level Descriptions 05/13-5/16/201318

19 05/13-5/16/201319 FCAT Science - Grade 5 Year Total Students Tested % Levels 3-5 Physical/ChemicalEarth/SpaceLife/Environmental Scientific Thinking Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct Possible Points Avg. % Correct 201226,208491663%1669%1471%1070% 201126,422491369%1164%1369%1464% 201026,367441464%1070%1362%1457% 200925,801421258%1354%1362%1354% 200825,875391258%1450%1362%1258% 200725,993341250%1547%1250%1250% GRADE 5 SCIENCE FCAT RESULTS 2007-2011 DISTRICT LEVEL

20 05/13-5/16/201320

21 05/13-5/16/201321

22 05/13-5/16/201322 Year School Grade Adj. Points Earned Applied Points Earned % Meeting High Standards ReadingMathWritingScience 2012B512 55%57%81%47% 2011BNA51964%71%83%47% 2010BNA52164%71%88%41% 2009BNA52162%69%88%40% 2008BNA51560%67%87%39% MDCPS DISTRICT PERFORMANCE ON FCAT 2.0 (SCIENCE INCLUDES ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE)

23  Actionable Data by Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit -School Performance Data, FCAT, Baseline and Interims 2305/13-5/16/2013

24 Fourth Quarter Available on May 13, 2013 Suggested administration dates: May 20 – 23, 2013 Posttest Available on May 20, 2013 Suggested administration dates: May 28 – 31, 2013 05/13-5/16/201324

25  The student tests and answer sheets will be posted on Edusoft ( as  Benchmark Exams Tab  Assessments  Miami-Dade District Assessments 2012-2013 folder  2012-2013 District Science sub-folder 05/13-5/16/201325 Elementary Science Leaders Session 6 PD May 2013

26  Marlins Community Outreach Department.  The Marlins Think Tank, available to 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers, is an online curriculum-enhancement program that utilizes a range of teachable elements of baseball as the basis for learning.  _tank.jsp _tank.jsp 05/13-5/16/201326

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