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1/6/20161 Day Four Writing in the Sky Day Four: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and.

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Presentation on theme: "1/6/20161 Day Four Writing in the Sky Day Four: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/6/20161 Day Four Writing in the Sky Day Four: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. Background: Magnetosphere (Source: WIKI)

2 The Significance of Naming Why are the Sun and Moon not named? - Significance of names Hebrew words "Sun" and "Moon" original meaning of roots is unknown -- Jericho sounds like "moon": maybe pagan? - Perhaps pagan? (as for most modern names - Significance of Naming in Genesis Creation Account God named: Day, Night, Heaven, Earth, Seas, and Man (or Adam). Adam (Man) Names: Animals, Sun?, Moon? Signs? 1/6/20162

3 - Hebrew verbs have no tenses (past, present, future, etc.) - Verbs indicate Completed action or Continuing action - Time depends on context: "Made"  "Had Made" 1/6/20163 ON "God Made"…

4  Natural human tendency to "see" figures … in clouds, in random stars… … And That … Star patterns move with the seasons and repeat on Annual Basis Same repeating patterns occur at Sunrise/Sunset and "follow" the Sun  This is the Zodiac Regular variations over many years - The Saros cycle (18 years 11 days) - The Sothic year (1,460 years) - Precession of the Equinoxes (26,500 year cycle)  "Sky Writing": Naming the signs.  Sciences of Astronomy and Time-Keeping 1/6/20164 on "Signs" "Let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years."

5 1/6/20165 The Constellations The Ecliptic and the Zodiac Signs

6 1/6/20166 Aside: Cave Paintings Lascaux Cave – Discovered 1940 Paintings dated 21,000 – 11,000 BC "Hall of Bulls" dated 15,300 BC Cheviot Cave – Discovered 1994 Paintings dated 32,000 – 26,000 BC ?? Coliboala Cave Romania – Discovered 2009 Paintings preliminary dates 34,000 – 30,000 BC

7 1/6/20167 Aside: Astronomy at Lascaux Cave When were the Signs of the Zodiac First Named? Hall of Bulls at Lascaux (painted ~15,300 BC)

8 1/6/20168 Aside: Astronomy at Lascaux Cave When were the Signs of the Zodiac First Named? Hall of Bulls at Lascaux (painted ~15,300 BC) Fit to Star Map for 15,300 BC Animation: A Skymap at Lascaux A Skymap at Lascaux From

9 Conclusions Day Four celebrates the beginnings of true science: Astronomy and its companion time-keeping, and the determination of the times and seasons.  This is the first of many sciences that are possible because of the silent voice embedded into the natural world. 1/6/20169

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