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Giving Voice to Their Vision: Students Script and Narrate a DE Video Segment Pam Skelly, EASTCONN Connecticut DEN LC Pam Skelly, EASTCONN Connecticut DEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Giving Voice to Their Vision: Students Script and Narrate a DE Video Segment Pam Skelly, EASTCONN Connecticut DEN LC Pam Skelly, EASTCONN Connecticut DEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giving Voice to Their Vision: Students Script and Narrate a DE Video Segment Pam Skelly, EASTCONN Connecticut DEN LC Pam Skelly, EASTCONN Connecticut DEN LC

2 Session Agenda 15 min.Overview with PowerPoint guide. 10 min.Search for clips (remember citation information!), write and practice script. 20 min.Create, edit and save movie. 15 min.Overview with PowerPoint guide. 10 min.Search for clips (remember citation information!), write and practice script. 20 min.Create, edit and save movie.

3 ISTE NETS for Students 2007 1.Creativity and Innovation 2.Communication and Collaboration 3.Research and Information Fluency 4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5.Digital Citizenship 6.Technology Operations and Concepts 1.Creativity and Innovation 2.Communication and Collaboration 3.Research and Information Fluency 4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5.Digital Citizenship 6.Technology Operations and Concepts International Society for Technology Education, NETS for Students, 2007.

4 Project Description »Using a video segment downloaded from Discovery Education, you will learn to import it into MovieMaker, mute the sound and narrate your own script. This student project can be modified for different needs and levels. Legal use and source citation will be included. »This session is applicable to all curriculum areas and easily differentiated for levels, interest, time, and more. »Using a video segment downloaded from Discovery Education, you will learn to import it into MovieMaker, mute the sound and narrate your own script. This student project can be modified for different needs and levels. Legal use and source citation will be included. »This session is applicable to all curriculum areas and easily differentiated for levels, interest, time, and more.

5 Student Learning »Students can use video segment with powerful visual impact. »Students must use their own knowledge to write script. »Students must cite sources. »Students edit their work more willingly when they know they have an authentic audience. »Students can use video segment with powerful visual impact. »Students must use their own knowledge to write script. »Students must cite sources. »Students edit their work more willingly when they know they have an authentic audience.

6 Differentiated Instruction »Students can work individually or with partners. »Teachers can have clips selected, and also muted, before students write script. »Students can practice fluency in native or another language. »Project appropriate for grades 4-12. »Students can work individually or with partners. »Teachers can have clips selected, and also muted, before students write script. »Students can practice fluency in native or another language. »Project appropriate for grades 4-12.

7 MovieMaker Project +Simple to use. +Easy to find and relatively inexpensive resources, Windows XP and microphone. +Simple to use. +Easy to find and relatively inexpensive resources, Windows XP and microphone. -Only one audio track for narration and music. -Must keep movies short because large files can be a problem when saving.

8 Seven Basic Steps 1.Knowledge developed through instruction or research. 2.Video and audio clips selected and source cited. 3.Script written. 4.Project created in MovieMaker. Allow plenty of time for editing. 1.Knowledge developed through instruction or research. 2.Video and audio clips selected and source cited. 3.Script written. 4.Project created in MovieMaker. Allow plenty of time for editing.

9 Seven Basic Steps 5.Premier event for movies to celebration learning. 6.Evaluate movies. 7.Student reflection. 5.Premier event for movies to celebration learning. 6.Evaluate movies. 7.Student reflection. Time for us to do a sample MovieMaker project using a DE clip!

10 Resources and Information Please see my wikispace at for tutorials and media links, handouts, and how to do the similar project in iMovie 9. And on my Discovery Education Blog at Thank you! Please see my wikispace at for tutorials and media links, handouts, and how to do the similar project in iMovie 9. And on my Discovery Education Blog at Thank you!

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