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Synaptic plasticity. Definition Alteration of synapse response to input.

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Presentation on theme: "Synaptic plasticity. Definition Alteration of synapse response to input."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synaptic plasticity

2 Definition Alteration of synapse response to input

3 Synaptic plasticity Relevance –Adapting to environment –Neurodevelopment –Learning & memory

4 Examples PTP versus fatigue LTP vs LTD

5 LTP NMDA hypothesis

6 LTP Presynaptic modification –AA → G-protein –NO → GC Postsynaptic modification –CaM Kinase II –cAMP, cGMP-dependent –Tyrosine kinase (fyn) Synaptic structure –widening of neck of spine Glutamate release TF Activation Receptor Upregulation

7 Spike timing Variant of Hebbian learning –Donald Hebb (1949) NMDA Dependent Reversible strengthening is function of EPSP-spike delay

8 Integration Convergence of much information –Input:up to 10,000 synapses + sensory input –Output:one axon Time dependent –Long term state of cell –State of receptors + membrane in short term Each synapse different –distance from soma, other synapses –neurotransmitter combination –receptor types, number and sensitivity

9 Neuronal mechanisms of integration Dendritic tree –diameter –voltage gated ion channels EPSP and IPSP –temporal + spatial summation –decay with distance and time –shunting inhibition Axon hillock –threshold behaviour

10 Calcium mediated integratory effects Repetitive firing Adaptation Accommodation Delay firing Subthreshold oscillation LTP / LTD (De-)sensitisation Down- / Upregulation Synaptic growth Fast (ionic)Slow (second messenger)

11 Membrane properties R M (per unit length) =  d R I (per unit length) = 4  /  d 2 C M (per unit length) = c  d

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