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Operational Management of a Course Casting Program: Past, Present and Open Source Future Richard Bloom Michelle Ziegmann University of California Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational Management of a Course Casting Program: Past, Present and Open Source Future Richard Bloom Michelle Ziegmann University of California Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational Management of a Course Casting Program: Past, Present and Open Source Future Richard Bloom Michelle Ziegmann University of California Berkeley

2 1995 2001 4/2006 9/2006 10/2007

3 Webcast Services Video Podcast – Capture of video with audio Audio Podcast – Capture of audio only Screencast – Capture of computer output or document camera with audio

4 How Students use Webcast Time Shift Study Tool Learning From Other Classes Communication Problems Disabilities Instructor Time Shift

5 Automated Participation Management & Licensing Opt in using bSpace (Sakai) w.b. administration app tracks approvals © UC Regents - or - CC 2.5 UC Berkeley makes no claim on the IP Policies & release forms available at:




9 Video/Audio Capable Rooms Four Large Lecture Halls –Pimentel - 523 seats –Dwinelle 155 - 481 seats –Wheeler Auditorium - 732 seats –VLSB 2050 -429 seats –Plus a 30 seat Video Conferencing Classroom

10 37 Screencast/Audio Capable Rooms - 50 to 200 seats Barker 101 Barrows 126 Cory 277 Donner Lab 155 Dwinelle 145 Etcheverry 3106 Etcheverry 3107 Etcheverry 3108 Etcheverry 3109 Etcheverry 3111 Etcheverry 3113 Evans 10 Evans 60 Kroeber 155 LeConte 1 LeConte 2 LeConte 3 LeConte 4 McCone 141 Moffit 101 Moffit 102 Moffit 103 Moffit 106 Morgan 101 Mulford 159 Northgate 105 Tan 180 VLSB 2040 VLSB 2060 Wheeler 213

11 Total Views Since 2001: 83,422,719

12 Total Views Since 2006: 13,530,164 iTunes Distribution Partner

13 Total Views Since 2006: 9,393,963 YouTube Distribution Channel

14 Opencast Matterhorn An enterprise-level, open- source platform to support the management of educational audio and video content

15 Opencast Matterhorn With Matterhorn, an institution can: capture and produce lecture recordings manage existing video serve designated distribution channels provide user interfaces to engage students with educational videos at no licensing cost (open source!) Matterhorn is also a framework of media services, highly configurable to meet individual institutional needs

16 Matterhorn Project Timeline 10/2007 8/2010 4/20086/2009 Requirements Gathering 8/2008 7/20097/2010 Design & Development 1.0 1.1 12/2010

17 Matterhorn Project Partners

18 Opencast Community Organizations







25 MyBerkeley Student Portal Sakai 3-based MyBerkeley portal Integration of webcast.berkeley widget, featuring Matterhorn Engage player



28 Next Steps Tighter integration with learning activities (Sakai 3) Enhance capture capability to large lecture halls (Spring 2010?) Pilot multi-stream capture in a few smaller classrooms (Spring 2010?) As classroom technology is refreshed, update capture capabilities

29 Want more Matterhorn? 4:30 today in Regency A

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