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Mr. Locke – Texas History

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1 Mr. Locke – Texas History
Week of Feb 2. (Unit 9) Mr. Locke – Texas History

2 Monday – Feb. 2 Bell Ringer: How, why and by-whom was the American Bison almost driven to extinction? Get a Bell Ringer sheet from the stool. You will need to keep this sheet all week and put your daily responses on it and turn in on Friday for a grade. Watch Bison video

3 Student Contract Read the Student Procedures and Expectations, sign it and return it to me.

4 Texas Rangers - Chapter 13 (pages 322-325)
Work on Texas Rangers notes SKIP #8, it is wrong

5 The Open Range Read pages

6 Closure - HW – think about your own cattle brand and name for a ranch. You will need it tomorrow. Also, where would you want your ranch to be in Texas and what would the challenges be?

7 Tuesday – Feb 3. Bell Ringer – (put on your bell ringer sheet) What are 2 things you have learned about ranching in the late 1800’s?

8 Railroads, Ranches, Farms and Agricultural Products
Using Chapter 14, sections 2-4, work on the notes page. We will discuss together.

9 Design your own ranch On a piece of construction paper design your own ranch, including design your own cattle brand, ranch name, location, think about challenges, etc. Your name, period #, ranch’s name, where in Texas is the ranch. Draw picture of your cattle brand and explain why you chose the design. Draw a picture of your ranch (include animals, windmill, landscape or anything else you think would be interesting.) Write a paragraph describing the challenges your ranch could face, how you will get cattle to market and other explanations on how you will succeed as a rancher.

10 Closure- What does a windmill do for a farmer or rancher?

11 Wednesday – Feb. 4 Bell Ringer - Do you think railroads are important to the Texas economy? Why or why not?

12 Railroads in Texas Add to Unit 9 Notes:
There were no railroads in Texas before the 1850’s Railroad construction slowed during the Civil War, then began to speed up after the War. By 1911, Texas had more railroad miles than any other state. Railroad companies were given land to encourage building. The companies sold the land they didn’t need, which encouraged people to move West and eventually, become railroad customers. Railroad construction encouraged immigration as people (Irish and Chinese, in many cases) moved to Texas to work on the railroad construction. Railroads encouraged economic growth. HOW? At times, railroads were seen as being unfair. HOW?

13 Fort Worth and Denver City Railroad
Create your Brochure for the Fort Worth and Denver City Railroad. Instead of on a separate paper, you will put it on the back of the sheet I give you.

14 Closure Turn in completed work or finish at home (turn in tomorrow).

15 Thursday – Feb. 5 Bell Ringer - Name 3 industries you think are important to Texas? Do you think these existed in the 1800’s?

16 Banking in Early Texas 1822, Mexican government sets up the Banco Nacional de Texas, the first bank in Texas. Early banks issued “bank notes”, which promised the holder a certain sum of money. The concern was in many cases: did the bank really have the “hard currency” (gold, silver) to back-up the note………. At times, Texas law banned state-chartered banks. National-chartered banks were slow to catch-on since state law required they have $50,000 before they opened for business. In 1904, the state constitution was changed to allow for state and national banks. New laws were created to force banks to be ready in case of bank panics or economic downturns. What is a bank panic?

17 Industry in Early Texas
With your elbow partner, work on the Industry sheet. Starts on page 362 in your textbook

18 Closure Short write – write a paragraph on the development of industry in Texas (in general and then make specific comments about 1 industry you found interesting)

19 Friday – Feb. 6 Bell Ringer – What do you think life was like in Texas in the late 1800’s?

20 Politics in late 1800’s Texas
Democratic party controlled most state offices in Texas 2 major concerns: 1.) reducing state debt; 2.) cutting taxes. To accomplish these, government spending and government salaries were reduced. Due to reduced spending, taxes were able to be cut. Spending on law enforcement could not be cut. The Texas Rangers were still needed to stop train robbers, horse thieves and gunfighters. New state capitol – Funded by investment firm in Chicago, which was given 3 million acres in Panhandle (became famous XIT Ranch). Capitol was built from Texas pink granite obtained in Hill Country north of Austin. Needed Reforms: 1.) farmers struggling with crop prices; 2.) railroads having no competition and using unfair pricing practices. Governor James Stephen Hogg created Railroad Commission and helped develop anti-Trust legislation to stop unfair practices by large companies. Women’s rights – growing movement to give women the right to vote

21 Daily Life in Texas (late 1800’s)
Read pages

22 Time to Write! Choose 3 of these topics and write approx. 1/3 of a page describing each them. So you will write almost full page in total. Frontier Wars after the Civil War (see pages 306 – 311) Cattle drives and cattle kingdoms (see pages 312 – 316) The Texas Rangers (pages ) Railroads (pages and ) Industry (pages ) Daily Life (pages )

23 Closure Turn in: - Today’s writings All outstanding assignments
Bell Ringer sheet from this week Take a Unit 9 Review sheet.

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