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Look it Up! Bad health; illness; sickness Bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitos.

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Presentation on theme: "Look it Up! Bad health; illness; sickness Bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitos."— Presentation transcript:


2 Look it Up!

3 Bad health; illness; sickness

4 Bad air; a disease usually spread by infected mosquitos

5 An evildoer; a person who does bad things.

6 Look it up!

7 Wrongdoing or bad conduct by a public official

8 Mischief; evil intent; bad will

9 Harmful; something bad enough that it could result in death when related to cancer

10 Having bad health or having poor nutrition.

11 Look it up!

12  Uncertain (adj)

13  Undecided (adj)

14  Uncommon (adj)

15  Unconscious (adj)  Unexpected (adj)

16  Unmistakable (adj)

17 Not smart

18 Not deserving, not having any value

19 Messy; not neat, not organized

20 Unnecessary (adj)

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