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ARKANSAS ACT Aspire - Science Overview UA – Fort Smith STEM Education Center Stephen Brodie, Science Instructional Specialist

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Presentation on theme: "ARKANSAS ACT Aspire - Science Overview UA – Fort Smith STEM Education Center Stephen Brodie, Science Instructional Specialist"— Presentation transcript:

1 ARKANSAS ACT Aspire - Science Overview UA – Fort Smith STEM Education Center Stephen Brodie, Science Instructional Specialist

2 Goals ●New Arkansas State Science Standards Update ●ACT Aspire and Arkansas Testing ●Science Reasoning and Test Question Preparation

3 Introduction and Center Info

4 Arkansas and ACT Aspire Administered at grades 3 – 10 ELA (English, Reading and Writing), Mathematics, and Science (at all grades)

5 Arkansas and ACT Aspire Beginning 2015-16, replaces... Benchmark Science – Grades 5 and 7 EOC Biology Exam

6 Arkansas and ACT Aspire Grades 3-8 Grade specific Not a predictor for ACT Score Grades 9 and 10 Early High School Assessment Predictor for ACT Score Not course specific Students will be tested by grade enrolled

7 Arkansas and ACT Aspire ACT Aspire Periodic Assessments Paid for by the state Voluntary for schools to use 3 Interims and multiple classroom assessments Available late Fall Online only More info to come

8 Arkansas and ACT Aspire The ACT in 2015-2016 Available for all students in grade 11 only Optional (on a student by student basis) Not used in Accountability calculations Data is shared Paid for by the state Online or Paper administration

9 Test Length & Time Schedule

10 Test Question Breakdown

11 ACT Aspire Science The ACT Science and ACT Aspire Science is probably the least understood portion of these type of assessments for the ACT. Despite what its name suggests, this IS NOT a science knowledge-based test. The ACT is not going to ask you to identify steps of cell division, balance a chemical equation, or determine the velocity of a moving object.

12 Science Content Knowledge  Background knowledge acquired in general science courses may be needed to answer some questions in upper grades.  Tests DO NOT, however, sample specific content knowledge with enough regularity to make inferences about a student’s attainment of science content.  ACT Aspire stresses science practices over recall of scientific content, complex mathematical skills, and reading ability.

13 Science Passage Varies Widely  Biology; life sciences (earlier grades)  Chemistry and physics (physical science for earlier grades)  Earth/space science (astronomy, meteorology, geology)  These topics only provide a framework for the passage; specific knowledge of these subjects are usually not required. Any specialized terms (often printed in italics) will be defined for you in the introductory lines of the passage.

14 ACT Aspire Test Format 3 DOMAINS:  Interpretation of Data  Scientific Investigation  Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results

15 ACT Aspire Test Format 3 DOMAINS:  Interpretation of Data  Scientific Investigation  Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results

16 ACT Aspire Test Format

17 ACT Aspire Science Test Typically Requires the Following Skills Read, select, and interpret data from charts, tables, and graphs. Compare or combine data from different charts, tables, graphs, Extrapolate data (take info that is there and draw conclusions and make predictions about the results of additional tests or data) Compare and contrast opposing viewpoints Determine which Claim/viewpoint is valid based on data and text Translate information from a chart/text into a graph Use math Write explanatory text to convey information citing textual evidence Understand “good” experimental design

18 Practices –Where?? Literacy/Math/Science  Developing and using models  Analyzing and interpreting data  Using mathematics and computational thinking

19  Asking questions  Constructing explanations  Engaging in argument from evidence  Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Practices –Where?? Literacy/Math/Science

20 Science & Engineering Practices  Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)  Developing and using models  Planning and carrying out investigations  Analyzing and interpreting data  Using mathematics and computational thinking  Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineer)  Engaging in argument from evidence  Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

21 ELA, Math, & Science Practices

22 ELA, Math, & Science Commonalities

23 New AR Science Standards Science Standard Literacy CCSS Connection Math CCSS Connection

24 username: science3 science4 scienceehs etc. password: actaspire NOTE: May not work with some browsers. Requires Java. Look for notifications on screen during logon.

25 Selected Response

26 Justification / Explanation (Constructed Response)

27 Technology Enhanced


29 Online Test Features ●Magnifier ●Line Reader ●Answer Masking ●Question Eliminator ●Bookmark ●Review

30 Finishing the test

31 Reports

32 Depth of Knowledge

33 Level of Thinking Bloom’s Taxonomy & Webb’s DOK

34 Beginning at the Beginning What DOK is can best be explained by saying first what DOK is not…. DOK is not a verb. DOK is not about the “difficulty” of the task. DOK is not a grade-level indicator.

35 DOK is not a VERB Describe... how many apples you see in the picture. the process of photosynthesis. how the two political parties are alike. your analysis of the literary elements in Snow Falling on Cedars as the novel reflected the effect of WWII on America.

36 DOK is about what follows the VERB What comes after the verb is more important than the verb itself. “Analyze this sentence to decide if the commas have been used correctly” does not meet the criteria for high cognitive processing. Rationale: The student who has been taught the rule for using commas is merely using the rule.

37 DOK is not about difficulty Who was the 16 th president of the United States? If all of you know the answer, this question is an easy question. Who was the 14 th president of the United States? If most of you do not know the answer, this question is a difficult question.

38 DOK is About Intended Outcome, NOT difficulty DOK is a reference to the complexity of mental processing that must occur to answer a question, perform a task, or generate a product.

39 DOK is about Complexity Every ACT Aspire Science test question has a DOK level. Instruction and classroom assessments should reflect the DOK level of the objective.

40 When Assigning the DOK Level Consider….. the level of work students are most commonly required to perform. the complexity of the task, rather than its difficulty. The DOK level describes the kind of thinking involved in a task, not the likelihood that the task will be completed correctly.

41 Depth of Knowledge




45 ACT Aspire Test Format 3 DOMAINS:  Interpretation of Data  Scientific Investigation  Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results

46 ACT Aspire Test Format

47 Depth of Knowledge



50 ACT Aspire and DOK *ACT Aspire will NOT have any Level 4 DOK

51 Developing DOK Questions in Science DOK Levels 1 - 4 DOK Level 1: Recall & Reproduction DOK Level 2: Skill & Concepts / Basic Reasoning DOK Level 3: Strategic Thinking / Complex Reasoning DOK Level 4: Extended Thinking/Reasoning

52 DOK – Moving from 1 to 4 DOK 1: can involve recalling a fact, such as: “Name a food group.” DOK 2: applies to knowledge: “Which food group is missing from this meal?” DOK 3: invites deeper thought: “Cite evidence that many teenagers have poor diets.” DOK 4: extends the learning: “Design a campaign to improve teenage eating habits.”

53 DOK – Moving from 1 to 4 DOK 1: What is a solid? What is a liquid? Identify the properties of a solid. Identify the properties of a liquid. Using the list provided, identify which are solids and which are liquids. Draw a picture of your solid/liquid. DOK 2: Describe the difference between a solid and a liquid. Give an example of each. Compare two solids. Compare two liquids. DOK 3: Is toothpaste a solid or a liquid? Explain and justify your answer. DOK 4: We have been working with solids and liquids over the past few weeks. Design a plan, carry out an investigation, and share your results with classmates.

54 Inquiry Constructs for Assessment Karin Hess

55 Code for a DOK Science Level Which group of organisms would all be found living in a tropical rain forest? A) Lizards, insects, cacti, kangaroos B) Vines, palm trees, tree frogs, monkeys C) Evergreens, moose, weasels, mink D) Lichens, mosses, caribou, polar bears ~ grade 8 assessments

56 Code for a DOK Science Level Which group of organisms would all be found living in a tropical rain forest? A) Lizards, insects, cacti, kangaroos B) Vines, palm trees, tree frogs, monkeys C) Evergreens, moose, weasels, mink D) Lichens, mosses, caribou, polar bears ~ grade 8 assessments Level 1. This item assesses “the recall of information such as a fact or definition.”

57 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 4 assessments Which is most likely to make a rock break open? A)Dew evaporating on a rock B)Tree leaves decaying on a rock C)Snow melting on a rock D)Water freezing in a crack in a rock

58 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 4 assessments Level 1. This item requires that students recall a basic property of water – that expands when it freezes. Which is most likely to make a rock break open? A)Dew evaporating on a rock B)Tree leaves decaying on a rock C)Snow melting on a rock D)Water freezing in a crack in a rock

59 Code for a DOK Science Level When operating, ordinary incandescent light bulbs produce a lot of heat in addition to light. Fluorescent light bulbs produce much less heat when operating. If you wanted to conserve electricity, which type of bulb should you use? Explain your answer. ~ grade 8 assessments

60 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 8 assessments Level 3. If this did not require an explanation, it would be Level 1. But here students must explain the complex connection between electrical consumption and production of heat in order receive full credit. “In most instances, requiring students to explain their thinking is at Level 3.” When operating, ordinary incandescent light bulbs produce a lot of heat in addition to light. Fluorescent light bulbs produce much less heat when operating. If you wanted to conserve electricity, which type of bulb should you use? Explain your answer.

61 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 4 assessments Look at the two magnets above. If you push the two magnets toward each other as shown, the magnet will. A)break into many pieces. B)turn in opposite directions. C)be pushed away from each other. D)be pulled toward each other

62 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 4 assessments Level 2. This item requires that students interpret a simple diagram and apply a property of magnets – that opposite poles attract. Look at the two magnets above. If you push the two magnets toward each other as shown, the magnet will. A)break into many pieces. B)turn in opposite directions. C)be pushed away from each other. D)be pulled toward each other

63 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 8 assessments Make a graph of your heart rate as you walk in place for five minutes.

64 Code for a DOK Science Level ~ grade 8 assessments Level 2. This item has several steps and requires some decision making. Students must decide appropriate intervals for measuring pulse and procedures for graphing data. “Level 2 activities include making observations and collecting data; classifying, organizing, and comparing data; and organizing and displaying data in tables, graphs, and charts.” Make a graph of your heart rate as you walk in place for five minutes.

65 ACT Aspire Science Exemplar


67 AR Act Aspire - Live Binder

68 AR Act Aspire - Live Binder

69 Links of Interest Pearson - ACT Aspire ACT Aspire ACT Aspire LiveBinder Technical Bulletin #1 Exemplar Test Questions Online Sample Test Logon: science2 (grade level) Password: actaspire Open Enrollment Webinars Subscribe to listserv - info, updates, policy

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