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Career Opportunities. How Do You Choose a Career? If you work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for 25 years, how many hours will you spend at work? 50,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Opportunities. How Do You Choose a Career? If you work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for 25 years, how many hours will you spend at work? 50,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Opportunities

2 How Do You Choose a Career? If you work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for 25 years, how many hours will you spend at work? 50,000 hours – You need to enjoy what you do

3 How Do You Choose a Career? Career – A series of progressively more responsible jobs in one field or in related fields People pursue careers based on:  Interests  Abilities  Education

4 How Do You Choose a Career? Job - Basically work for pay Part of Career Path – a job with a future you want Dead End Job – Way to earn money for short period of time

5 Personal Strengths The first step in determining your career is looking closely at yourself Your career choice will be influenced by:  Your interests and abilities  Your personality  Your learning style  Your personal values  The kind of lifestyle you want to lead

6 Personal Strengths Your Interests and Abilities  Interests are things you enjoy doing  Abilities are thing you are good at  If you have no interests, try new things  Identifying your interests and abilities will get you started on a great career path. Create a list of 10 things you enjoy doing.  May include doing by yourself or in a group, at home, at school, outdoors, on computer, etc…

7 Personal Strengths Your personality  The combination of all the unique qualities that make you who you are  Will determine if you want to:  Work with people or things  In a group  By yourself What type of personality do you have?  Do you read, enjoy school activities, are you funny, sympathetic, strong willed, hard-headed? Be honest about yourself

8 Personal Strengths Your learning style  The way you interact with the world around you to gather information and turn it into knowledge  Most people do well in a career that uses their strongest learn style What is your learning style?

9 Personal Strengths Verbal/Linguistic  Likes to read, write, and tell stories; good at memorizing names and dates  Learns best by saying, hearing, and seeing words Logical/Mathematical  Likes to do experiments, work with numbers, explore patterns and relationships; good at math, logic, and problem solving  Learns best by making categories, classifying, and working with patterns Visual/Spatial  Likes to draw, build, design, and create things; good at imagining, doing puzzles and mazes, and reading maps and charts  Learns best by using the mind’s eye and working with colors and pictures

10 Personal Strengths Musical/Rhythmic  Likes to sing, hum, play an instrument, and listen to music; good at remembering melodies, noticing pitches and rhythms, and keeping time  Learns best through rhythm and melody Bodily/Kinesthetic  Likes to touch and move around; good at hands-on activities and charts  Learns best by interacting with people and objects in a real space Interpersonal  Likes having lots of friends, talking to people, and joining groups; good at understanding people, leading, organizing, communicating, and mediating conflicts  Learns best by sharing, comparing, and cooperating

11 Personal Strengths Intrapersonal  Likes to work alone and pursue interests at own pace; good at self-awareness, focusing on personal feelings, and following instincts to learn what needs to be known  Learns best through independent study Naturalistic  Likes spending time outdoors and working with plants, animals, and other parts of the natural environment; good at identifying plants and animals and at hearing and seeing connections to nature  Learns best by observing, collecting, identifying, and organizing patterns

12 Personal Strengths Your values  The beliefs that guide the way people live  Do you value:  Responsibility – do what you say you will do  Achievement – willing to give extra effort to succeed  Recognition – want your work to be acknowledged  Relationships – interacting with friends and family  Compassion – want to help others  Courage – exude bravery in two ways: when confronted with physical danger When standing up for your beliefs What are your values?

13 Personal Strengths Careers choices if you value:  Achievement – Presents challenges like medicine, law, or aviation  Recognition – writing, acting, or politics  Relationships – Psychology or education  Compassion – Nurse, social worker, veterinarian, counselor  Courage –  Danger – Armed Services, firefighter, rescue worker  Beliefs – Politics or Public Service What field fits you best?

14 Personal Strengths Your Lifestyle  The way you spend your time, energy, and money  What type of lifestyle do you want in the future? Describe the lifestyle you want in the future.  Do you want to work hard and be at the top of your field  Do you want plenty of free time for friends and family?  Is becoming wealthy the most important thing?

15 Career Options What is the ideal future career in 20 years?  How much time do you spend at work?  How happy are you at your career?  How happy have you been along the journey?

16 Career Options The more information you have, the easier it will be to decide which one is right for you. Research can provide info on:  Salaries  Working conditions  Prospects in your field

17 Career Options How to gather info on career options  Occupational Outlook Handbook  Published by the U.S. Department of Labor  Describes thousands of jobs across the U.S.  Lists job responsibilities, working conditions, and salaries  Show changes in job trends in the U.S. Trends – increase or decrease in the # of jobs in a field  Access at

18 Career Options Magazines  Occupational Outlook Quarterly  Monthly Labor Review  Business Week Books  What Color is Your Parachute  Give insight into personal qualities and how to find the best companies to fit you

19 Career Options Professional Associations  Made up of people in the same field  Allows members to exchange ideas and information, provide a positive image for the profession, give information to the public Networking  Talking to people who may offer you job leads, contacts in your field, or other useful information  Start with the school guidance counselor  Can include family, friends, or business people

20 Developing a Plan With personal strengths in mind, decide which career interests you the most Ask family, friends, neighbors, teachers, and school counselor if they know people in that career. Ask to meet them and talk. Reaching your Career Goal will take time and effort.

21 Developing a Plan Important things to do along the way:  Educate yourself  Get experience  Consider an Internship

22 Developing a Plan Educate yourself  Almost every job requires some special training  An advanced education mean more job opportunities  How will you pay for this training?  Some companies pay all or part of their employees tuition for job related courses or training sessions

23 Developing a Plan Get Experience  There is no substitute for experience  A part-time job is a great way to see the job from the inside  You gain valuable work experience  You form personal contacts in the field  And get some money  If no part-time work is available, volunteering is an option  Any work experience is valuable work experience

24 Developing a Plan Consider an Internship  Usually not paid, but results in valuable job skills  Looks good on a resume  While in school, look for Internships in the Summer  Successful interns may be invited back for a paying job How to find internships  Internet  Guidance Counselor  Contact business you are interested in

25 Types of Careers What type of careers are out there?

26 Types of Careers For-Profit Businesses  Operate to earn money for their owners Nonprofit Organizations  Operate to promote a special interest or cause

27 Types of Careers Job Search Websites

28 Career Assignment Go to Complete assignment using job searches Turn in at end of class with Personal Strengths page

29 Career Opportunities INDUSTRY THOUSANDS OF JOBS Mgt, business, and financial jobs17,635 Professional and related jobs33,709 Service jobs31,163 Sales and related jobs17,365 Office and administrative support jobs26,053 Farming, fishing, and forestry jobs1,480 Construction and extraction jobs8,439 Installation, maintenance, and repair jobs6,482 Production jobs13,811 Transportation and material moving jobs11,618 TOTAL of all jobs167,754

30 Career Opportunities 167,754 x 1000 = 167,754,000 There are 167 million 754 thousand jobs in the U.S. Unemployment rate is 9.4 % There are 2.9 million job openings

31 Career Opportunities Most jobs – Professional and Related jobs  Management jobs  Computer and mathematical jobs  Architects, surveyors, and cartographers  Engineers and Drafters  Life, Physical, and Social Scientists  Community Jobs  Legal  Education related jobs  Entertainment Jobs The government tracks the percentage increase of job fields.

32 Estimated Growth in Managerial Occupations Occupation 2005 Employment Projected 2015 in thousands Growths Administrative Mgrs36220.4 % Advertising, marketing, promotions70732.4 % public relations, and sales mgrs Agriculture mgrs1,462-21.7 % Chief executives54717.2 % Computer and Information31347.9 % Systems Mgrs Engineering Mgrs2828.0 % Human Resources Mgrs21912.7 % Industrial Production Mgrs2556.2 % Purchasing Mgrs132-5.5 % Social and Community service Mgrs12824.8 % Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Mgrs14920.2 % Medical and Health Services Mgrs25032.3 %

33 Estimated Growth Analysis Which field will managerial positions grow the most by 2015?  Computer and Information Systems – 47.9% Which fields are jobs at a lower level in 2015 than in 2005?  Agricultural Mgrs  Purchasing Mgrs

34 Applying for a Job How do you sell yourself to potential employers? Applying for a job  The process of convincing a potential employer to invest in a great new product – YOU  Every step of the way, you want to make the best impression

35 Applying for a Job Information required to apply for a job.  Job Application Cover Letter  Job Application Form  Resume The purpose of this info is not to convince them to hire you, but convince them that you are worth meeting for the interview process.

36 Job Application Cover Letter A brief introduction before a resume. Your chance to introduce yourself to potential employers and convince them they want to meet you.

37 Job Application Cover Letter Letter Formatting  Margins – 1 inch on all sides  Line spacing  Double space after each new section  Single space inside of sections  Block Format – Begin everything at the left hand margin

38 Job Application Cover Letter Sections  Return Address – 3 lines  Street Address  City, State, Zip  Date – Current  Letter Mailing Address – 4 lines  Receivers Name  Receivers Job Title  Street Address  City, State, Zip  Greeting  Dear, To Whom it May Concern

39 Job Application Cover Letter Sections  Body  Follow the 1-2-3 approach  Salutation  Sincerely,  Quadruple space after the salutation  You will place your signature in ink here  Type you name  Type Enclosure  This states that your resume is attached.

40 Job Application Cover Letter Cover Letter should be ONE PAGE ONLY!!! Tailor the information in the letter by fitting it with the requirements for the job. Use the “You Approach”  Emphasize what you can offer the organization

41 Job Application Cover Letter Use the 1-2-3 approach 1. Tell the company why you are writing. In the first paragraph, give the full job title and say where you found out about the position(personal reference, newspaper, website) Give the name of the person that referred you. You can also mention that you have enclosed your resume. 2. Explain to the company why they should hire you. In the second and possibly the third paragraphs, state why you are right for the job. Point out details of your experiences that relate directly to the job, such as special projects. Summarize your experiences in a few sentences. 3. Ask for an interview in the closing paragraph. Give your phone number and email again so the reader doesn’t have to search for them.

42 Job Application Cover Letter Your cover letter highlights your best assets for employers The time and effort put into preparing your document will draw attention to your good organization skills and eye for detail  Traits that every employer look for

43 Job Application Forms Forms should be filled out COMPLETELY!!!  If answer is not known or not applicable. TYPE N/A TAB will help you move from form box to box. Include all available detailed information

44 Resumes A short document that provides potential employers with info about your specific qualifications for a job. Describes:  Work Experience  Education  Honors and Activities  Skills and Abilities

45 Resumes 2 basic types of resumes:  Chronological Resume  Lists your work experience and education in reverse order Work experience then education Better for advanced job skills and experience  Skills Resume  Highlights your abilities and accomplishments rather than experience Use when recently completed education

46 Resumes Use standard, white 8.5 x 11 paper Use simple font and format  Avoid italics, underlining, and fancy fonts  Bold only when appropriate.  Use line spacing to separate sections clearly

47 Resumes The care with which you prepare your resume suggests how carefully you would work if hired.  Give special attention to:  Content  Accuracy  Formatting  Neatness

48 Resumes Think positively. Make yourself look good on paper Showcase what you have to offer Be honest Keep it brief Leave out any reference to age, race, sex, or marital status, height, weight, and health

49 Resume formatting Margins  1 inch on all sides Line spacing  Double space after each new section  Single space inside of sections

50 Resume Guidelines Personal Information  Should begin at top margin  Centered  Single Spaced until last line, then DS after  Form a heading of 5 different lines. Type all as Sentence Case  Line 1 – Name  Line 2 – Street Address  Line 3 – City, State ZIP  Line 4 – Phone Number  Line 5 – Email Address

51 Resume Guidelines Objective/Summary  Clear definition of position desired Formatting  Heading – SUMMARY  All Caps  Aligned Left  12-pt font All Heading will be done this way

52 Resume Guidelines EDUCATION – Heading format. DS after  Aligned Left - Give a description of current educational status  GPA  Graduation Date  Courses or Programs Taken  Tab to 1 inch - DS between each new entry but SS inside of  Skills acquired  Grades earned in courses directly related to job competence  School and/or community activities or accomplishments  Organizations  Leadership positions  Honors and Awards

53 Resume Guidelines WORK EXPERIENCE – Heading Aligned left  Position Name  Name and location of employer  Time spent working at, in parenthesis  Brief description of responsibilities  DS between new entries but SS inside of

54 Resume Guidelines REFERENCES - Heading  Names of people familiar with your character, personality, and work habits  May be furnished upon request  If included at bottom of resume, have 3-6 people (not relatives) who know you well and include this information about each:  Name of Person Professional Job Title and Organization Phone Number Email  Teachers, community leaders, and current or previous employers work well  Ask each person in advance if ok to include them as reference

55 Resume Guidelines Reference Page – only if needed, not required  Margin – 2 inches at top, 1 inch at left, right, and bottom  REFERENCE – Heading  Bold  Centered  14-pt font  DS after the heading  Entries  SS inside of references  DS between references 3-6 references is appropriate

56 Resume Guidelines The most important information is presented first  Recent graduates will place education before work experience  The reference section is usually last on the page Resume should be 1 page ONLY!!!!

57 Resumes View the resume on Pg 300. This resume can serve as a guide for your own. What skills are the same and which are different

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