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Health Root word? Heal Old English- “to make sound, whole, well.

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2 Health Root word? Heal Old English- “to make sound, whole, well.

3 Health State of complete physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (debilitated state). Quality: Ranges- Poor to Excellent

4 Wellness Wellness Continuum: in text, pg. 8, figure 1.5.  Continuous, active process.  Living up to ones full potential on a daily basis.  Creating balance in ones life.

5 7 Wellness Dimensions

6 Mental/Intellectual Good self-esteem. Enjoys learning new things. Relatively happy with academic standing. Challenges self with new opportunities to improve self.

7 Emotional Expresses emotions constructively. Asks for help/advice when needed. Knows where to go for help. Is relatively content/happy.

8 Physical Eats balanced meals daily. Exercises regularly. Stop- Stretch Is free of disease and vaccines are u.t.d. Avoids alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse. Good hygiene.

9 Social Respects self and others. Has supportive and healthy relationships. Expresses needs to others assertively. Self-confidence to be who you are when in peer situations. Stop- Stand, Fist bump and introduce your self to the person on your left. Share something interesting about self. Introduce person to class.

10 Spiritual Has a sense belonging and of purpose in life. Follows morals and values. Feels unity with others. Has a connection to a higher power or nature.

11 Environmental Has access to clean air and water. Has a clean and uncrowded living space. Has a variety of nutritious food to purchase and eat. Is environmentally conscious.

12 Occupational Practices healthy behaviors in school and at work. Is a student. Has a safe school and work place. Has a career goal in mind.

13 TESTWELL: a self-scoring wellness assessment. Please, complete the 7 Wellness Dimension sections in the packet. Total each section. On p. 5, write scores for each section. Tally- Total TESTWELL Score. Circle total TESTWELL score. Choose a Personal Goal you want to achieve. Read last page of TESTWELL packet for Goal requirements.

14 “Personal Wellness Portrait Poster” Create a wellness poster and include all 7 Wellness Dimensions. Write briefly 3 or more things you do in each category to live well. Poster must include a picture of self as a baby and a current picture. (2 pictures) You may also add other pictures that represent things you do now to stay well and live well. Example: Physical wellness- you eat healthy foods. My favorite foods are… For Breakfast I eat… Due Date:

15 Healthy Tips Card Based on what we discussed and what you already know about health, create a healthy tips card that will be displayed in the classroom to remind students what they need to do to improve and or maintain good health. You may use words, pictures or sayings to create your card. Come up with creative ideas. Old Adage: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Come up with your own catch phrase!

16 Why is having good health important to you? Write a solid paragraph or two as to why having good health on a daily basis is important to you.

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