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Region 4 Section Reports 23. Southern Minnesota Section.

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1 Region 4 Section Reports 23. Southern Minnesota Section

2 Southern MN Section Report IEEE Region 4 Meeting - Oct 16/17, 2004

3 Southern MN Section Report IEEE Region 4 Meeting - Oct 16/17, 2004

4 Southern MN Section Report Adjacent Sections Twin Cities Section Madison Section Cedar Rapids SectionCentral Iowa Section Twin Cities Section

5 Southern MN Section Demographics Total Members:387 –Members278 –Student members51 –Senior members25 –Life members12 (8L+3LS+1LA) –Affiliates 19 –Fellows 2 Meetings –Section meetings per year8 –Format (lunch, dinner, talk only)Talk w/Pizza+Pop –Type (tour, PACE, technical)Technical –Section vs Chaptercombined section+chapters –Excom meetings per year9 –% quorem Excom meetings50%

6 Southern MN Section Demographics Section Leadership –Term: Calendar Year 2004 –Chair – Jason Clelgg, –Vice Chair – Rob Harveland –Treasurer – Steve Kerchberger –Secretary – Bill Gorder Neighboring Sections –North: Twin Cities –South: Madison (WI), Cedar Rapids (IA), Central IA –East: Madison –West: Twin Cities

7 Southern MNSection Demographics Section Organization –Subsections: Coulee subsection (WI) –Society Chapters Computer Communications/Signal Processing –Affinity Groups None –Student Branch – Mankato State U

8 Southern MN Section Vitality Meetings/attendance during the last year –Feb => Overview of the IEEE Reliability Assessment Standard and Guide /31 –Mar => Foundations of Cryptography /85 –Apr => A New Solution to Public Transportation/50 –May => Listen..., Solve..., Craft /30 –Sep => Integrated Circuit Noise Isolation and Signal Integrity /30 –Oct => Broadband over Power Lines /75 –Oct => Trustworthy Software Systems (IEEE DLS) /30 –Nov => IP Law topic /tbd

9 Other Section Activities delete this chart PACE – rep at 2004 IEEE-USA workshop S-PAC - none GOLD - none Affinity Groups –none Pre-College Eduation - none

10 Successes/Best Practices Good attendance at section/chapter meetings Open meetings, non-members welcomed Used to have electronic calendar notices (one click to add to calendar). Need new method (vcalendar ?)

11 Lessons Learned Need to spread the load – work/life demands leave little time for volunteer support,so don’t overload them.

12 Goals for Next Year Upgrade at least 3 members to senior grade Continue to focus on good meetings for our members

13 Region 4 Could Most Help My Section By… Keep the burden light. Sections helping each other – eg special thanks to Steve Merriman (TC Comm/Sig chapter) for sharing IEEE DL Prof Bernstein, AND for Steve’s persistence in making contact with our section for this opportunity.

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