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Byzantine Empire G.R.A.P.E.S. Review.

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1 Byzantine Empire G.R.A.P.E.S. Review

2 GEOGRAPHY A flat plain located on a peninsula
Do you think it was open or isolated? GEOGRAPHY

3 RELIGION Most citizens practiced Christianity
The Byzantine Empire even spilt from the Roman Catholic Church to create its own form of Christianity called the Eastern Orthodox Church RELIGION

4 Hagia Sophia (Large church that was an architectural achievement)
Byzantine art (Icons and Mosaics) Justinian Code (written set of laws) ACHIEVEMENTS

5 POLITICAL SYSTEM Monarchy Who is in charge?
Where does their power come from? POLITICAL SYSTEM

6 The Byzantine Empire’s greatest resource was its location (located between three continents, in the middle of the Silk Road) How do you think they used this resource? ECONOMY

7 Government /military officials
Emperor Merchants Average workers Clergy Industrialists aristocrats Government /military officials SOCIAL STRUCTURE

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