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Multinational Planning Augmentation Team Tempest Express(MPAT TE-1) Tempest Express(MPAT TE-1) CDR Robert Wohlschlegel, J382 USCINCPAC J38 Training & Doctrine.

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Presentation on theme: "Multinational Planning Augmentation Team Tempest Express(MPAT TE-1) Tempest Express(MPAT TE-1) CDR Robert Wohlschlegel, J382 USCINCPAC J38 Training & Doctrine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multinational Planning Augmentation Team Tempest Express(MPAT TE-1) Tempest Express(MPAT TE-1) CDR Robert Wohlschlegel, J382 USCINCPAC J38 Training & Doctrine Division Facilitating the Planning Process

2 AgendaAgenda MPAT OverviewMPAT Overview – Concept Development – Goals – Where have we been and Way-ahead MPAT TE-1 Staff Planning WorkshopMPAT TE-1 Staff Planning Workshop – Overview – Schedule of Events – Participants – Goals, Objectives, Tasks – Scenario – Distributed info sharing and collaboration – After Action Review (AAR) – Schedule of Events MPAT OverviewMPAT Overview – Concept Development – Goals – Where have we been and Way-ahead MPAT TE-1 Staff Planning WorkshopMPAT TE-1 Staff Planning Workshop – Overview – Schedule of Events – Participants – Goals, Objectives, Tasks – Scenario – Distributed info sharing and collaboration – After Action Review (AAR) – Schedule of Events

3 MPAT Multinational Planning Team Augmentation MNF/CTF Core Staff MNF/CTF Core Staff Trained / Experienced in MNF planning Concept Development East Timor: General Cosgrove declares international planning augmentation “invaluable” to success of INTERFET operation.

4 Concept Development MNF/CTF HQ Multinational Force HQ Core Planning Staff Nation 4 Nation 5 Nation 6 Nation 3 Nation 2 Nation 1

5 What is MPAT ? A cadre of military planners from nations in the Asia-Pacific region capable of rapidly augmenting a multinational force (MNF) headquarters established to plan and execute coalition operations in response to small scale contingencies (SSC).

6 CTF Forming Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) Personnel/J1 Intel/J2 Ops/J3 Log/J4 Plans/J5 Comms/J6 MPAT CTF MNF/CTF Operational Headquarters Staff Organization Civil Affairs, SJA, Medical, Engineer, Etc.

7 Desired MNF Staff Capability Effectiveness Improved speed of response through effective planning ESTABLISHCTF PLAN DEPLOY EXECUTE TRANSITION CTF DEPLOY EXECUTE PLAN - X days Time Reduce Time / Increase Effectiveness Increase Effectiveness X days Y days Improvement

8 The MPAT Concept May include expertise in May include expertise in - Ground - Legal - Air - Log - Air - Log - Sea - Medical - Sea - Medical - Comms - Eng - Comms - Eng - Intel - Etc. - Intel - Etc. May include expertise in May include expertise in - Ground - Legal - Air - Log - Air - Log - Sea - Medical - Sea - Medical - Comms - Eng - Comms - Eng - Intel - Etc. - Intel - Etc. Scaleable to contingency contingency National Contributions National Contributions Operational Planners Operational Planners Size: Tailored based on Size: Tailored based on mission mission National Contributions National Contributions Operational Planners Operational Planners Size: Tailored based on Size: Tailored based on mission mission Primary Function Staff Planning Augmentation for MNF/CTF Staff

9 GoalsGoals Improve Interoperability and Multilateral CooperationImprove Interoperability and Multilateral Cooperation Reduce Crisis Response TimeReduce Crisis Response Time Increase Planning EffectivenessIncrease Planning Effectiveness Strengthen Command, Control, and CommunicationsStrengthen Command, Control, and Communications Develop MPAT Standing Operating ProceduresDevelop MPAT Standing Operating Procedures

10 Mission Focus Small Scale Contingencies (SSC) including the following:Small Scale Contingencies (SSC) including the following: – Humanitarian Assistance – Disaster Relief – Search and Rescue – Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations – Peace Operations

11 Where Have We Been ? MAY: Planning Team Concept Development WorkshopMAY: Planning Team Concept Development Workshop Australia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore JUL: Concept & SOP Development Workshop - Held concurrent with SEA Peace Operations SymposiumJUL: Concept & SOP Development Workshop - Held concurrent with SEA Peace Operations Symposium Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Tonga, Nepal Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Tonga, Nepal AUG: Concept & SOP Development WorkshopAUG: Concept & SOP Development Workshop Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Tonga, Nepal, Mongolia, Maldives, Mauritius, Australia EQUIPMENT PURCHASES: Deployable C2 networks and collaborative planning toolsEQUIPMENT PURCHASES: Deployable C2 networks and collaborative planning tools

12 Where Are We Going? NOV 00: MPAT Staff Planning Workshop.NOV 00: MPAT Staff Planning Workshop. (Philippine hosted / co-sponsored) (Philippine hosted / co-sponsored) JAN 01: MPAT Concept and SOP Development Workshop. (USCINCPAC hosted)JAN 01: MPAT Concept and SOP Development Workshop. (USCINCPAC hosted) FEB-MAR 01: MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS Staff Planning Workshop. (Thailand hosted / co-sponsor)FEB-MAR 01: MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS Staff Planning Workshop. (Thailand hosted / co-sponsor) MAY 01: Some MPAT Participation in Team ChallengeMAY 01: Some MPAT Participation in Team Challenge JUL 01: MPAT Concept and SOP Development Workshop. (Host / co-sponsor ?)JUL 01: MPAT Concept and SOP Development Workshop. (Host / co-sponsor ?)

13 Where Are We Going? Way-ahead Two MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS Staff Planning Workshops each fiscal year (FY)Two MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS Staff Planning Workshops each fiscal year (FY) – FY 02: FEB and JUN – FY 03: OCT and FEB – FY 04: OCT and FEB Two MPAT Concept & SOP Development Workshops each fiscal yearTwo MPAT Concept & SOP Development Workshops each fiscal year Support Common SOP / Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) Development EffortsSupport Common SOP / Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) Development Efforts

14 Pacific Command MPAT Supports Exercise Program and Improves International Operations Inclusive, not exclusive! All nations should have procedures and capabilities National political decisions will determine participation in actual contingency response

15 MPAT TE-1 Workshop Overview (Manila, 13-17 Nov’00) Focus: MNF Crisis Action Staff Planning ProceduresFocus: MNF Crisis Action Staff Planning Procedures Audience:Audience: – Primary - MPAT personnel (24 countries invited) – Secondary - MNF HQ staff (provided by the AFP & US) – Tertiary - UN, international organizations, non-government organizations non-government organizations Scenario:Scenario: – Multinational response to a major natural disaster in the Philippines MNF operational planning workshopMNF operational planning workshop

16 ACADEMICS COA ANALYSIS ACADEMICS COA ANALYSIS & COA COMPARISON Prep COA Decision Brief COA Decision Brief ACADEMICS AAR ACADEMICS MISSION ANALYSIS Scenario BRF MSN ANAL BRIEF ACADEMICS COA DEVELOP- MENT Initial COA BRIEF Improving CTF Staff Planner Effectiveness Products: Commander’s Estimate MPAT TE-1 Workshop Methodology Initiation: Warning Order 13 Nov14 Nov15 Nov16 Nov17 Nov STAFF ESTIMATES ACADEMICS

17 MPAT TE-1 Schedule of Events 13 Nov14 Nov15 Nov16 Nov17 Nov Opening Remarks Introductions Warning Order Scenario Brief Academic Discussions Mission Analysis Mission Analysis Brief Academic Discussions COA Development Initial COA Brief Academic Discussions COA Development COA Analysis Academic Discussions Complete COA Analysis COA Comparison Staff Estimate Briefs Academic Disc Prepare COA Brief COA Decision Brief AAR

18 MPAT TE-1 Participants Participants (estimated 110-120 personnel)Participants (estimated 110-120 personnel) – MPAT personnel from Asia Pacific region (estimate 40+). – U.S. (estimate 36 personnel) ›DJTFAC / MPAT members ›MNF headquarters staff – Armed Forces Philippines (AFP) (estimate 30-35 personnel) ›MNF headquarters staff ›MPAT members – IO/NGO/PVO Invitees (estimate 10 personnel) ›United Nations (Standby Arrangements Rep) ›Pacific Disaster Center / Asia Disaster Preparedness Center ›Center for Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Response (COE) ›Selected NGO (Red Cross, OXFAM, Direct Relief Int’l)

19 MPAT TE-1 Workshop Goals Develop procedures for MPAT support to MNF operationsDevelop procedures for MPAT support to MNF operations Develop MPAT teamwork and habitual relationshipsDevelop MPAT teamwork and habitual relationships Improve multinational interoperability and cooperationImprove multinational interoperability and cooperation Provide a forum for the discussion of national HA/DR response capabilitiesProvide a forum for the discussion of national HA/DR response capabilities Practice distributed information sharing and planning collaborationPractice distributed information sharing and planning collaboration Develop procedures for MPAT support to MNF operationsDevelop procedures for MPAT support to MNF operations Develop MPAT teamwork and habitual relationshipsDevelop MPAT teamwork and habitual relationships Improve multinational interoperability and cooperationImprove multinational interoperability and cooperation Provide a forum for the discussion of national HA/DR response capabilitiesProvide a forum for the discussion of national HA/DR response capabilities Practice distributed information sharing and planning collaborationPractice distributed information sharing and planning collaboration

20 MPAT TE-1 Workshop Objectives Develop understanding, exercise and refine the crisis action planning (CAP) procedures in the MPAT SOPDevelop understanding, exercise and refine the crisis action planning (CAP) procedures in the MPAT SOP Identify planning requirements for a multinational response to a HA/DR scenarioIdentify planning requirements for a multinational response to a HA/DR scenario Practice and refine procedures and protocols for the use of MPAT information sharing networks and collaborative planning tools.Practice and refine procedures and protocols for the use of MPAT information sharing networks and collaborative planning tools. Develop understanding, exercise and refine the crisis action planning (CAP) procedures in the MPAT SOPDevelop understanding, exercise and refine the crisis action planning (CAP) procedures in the MPAT SOP Identify planning requirements for a multinational response to a HA/DR scenarioIdentify planning requirements for a multinational response to a HA/DR scenario Practice and refine procedures and protocols for the use of MPAT information sharing networks and collaborative planning tools.Practice and refine procedures and protocols for the use of MPAT information sharing networks and collaborative planning tools.

21 OP 4.7.5 - Coordinate politico-military supportOP 4.7.5 - Coordinate politico-military support OP 5.2 - Assess operational situationOP 5.2 - Assess operational situation OP 5.3 - Prepare plans and ordersOP 5.3 - Prepare plans and orders OP 5.5.7 - Conduct joint force staff operationsOP 5.5.7 - Conduct joint force staff operations OP 5.7.3 - Develop multinational intelligence / information sharing structureOP 5.7.3 - Develop multinational intelligence / information sharing structure OP 5.7.6 - Coordinate coalition supportOP 5.7.6 - Coordinate coalition support Ref: US CJCS Universal Joint Task List MPAT TE-1 Workshop Tasks

22 MPAT TE-1 Scenario Super Typhoon Recovery Operations Typhoon/ Volcano Affected Areas Multinational Response, Intermediate Staging Area (ISA) in Palawan AFP Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) / JTF Provides MNF C2 for Disaster Response in South

23 MPAT TE-1 Scenario Multinational Response to HA/DR scenario in the Southern Philippines (VISCOM / SOUTHCOM)Multinational Response to HA/DR scenario in the Southern Philippines (VISCOM / SOUTHCOM) Concurrent disaster scenario on Luzon limits national response capabilities… foreign assistance is soughtConcurrent disaster scenario on Luzon limits national response capabilities… foreign assistance is sought Response mission handed off to AFPResponse mission handed off to AFP AFP Rapid Deployment JTF HQ provides response C2 (CTF HQ)AFP Rapid Deployment JTF HQ provides response C2 (CTF HQ) Use of ISA in Palawan as multinational staging areaUse of ISA in Palawan as multinational staging area Multinational Response to HA/DR scenario in the Southern Philippines (VISCOM / SOUTHCOM)Multinational Response to HA/DR scenario in the Southern Philippines (VISCOM / SOUTHCOM) Concurrent disaster scenario on Luzon limits national response capabilities… foreign assistance is soughtConcurrent disaster scenario on Luzon limits national response capabilities… foreign assistance is sought Response mission handed off to AFPResponse mission handed off to AFP AFP Rapid Deployment JTF HQ provides response C2 (CTF HQ)AFP Rapid Deployment JTF HQ provides response C2 (CTF HQ) Use of ISA in Palawan as multinational staging areaUse of ISA in Palawan as multinational staging area

24 MPAT TE-1 After Action Review (AAR) TEAM Facilitator: Col BrewsterFacilitator: Col Brewster Co-Facilitator: TBD (Col Nuqui)Co-Facilitator: TBD (Col Nuqui) Observer/Analysts:Observer/Analysts: – J38 AAR Lead (Mr. Jason Lewis / Mr. North) – AFP AAR Lead (TBD) – Selected DJTFAC personnel – Selected personnel from participating nations Facilitator: Col BrewsterFacilitator: Col Brewster Co-Facilitator: TBD (Col Nuqui)Co-Facilitator: TBD (Col Nuqui) Observer/Analysts:Observer/Analysts: – J38 AAR Lead (Mr. Jason Lewis / Mr. North) – AFP AAR Lead (TBD) – Selected DJTFAC personnel – Selected personnel from participating nations

25 MPAT TE-1 Facilitated SOP Discussions (Core Planning Procedures) (1) Crisis Action Planning (CAP) Overview (Maj Loftus) (2) Commander’s Estimate (LTC Quintero) (3) Mission Analysis (AFP) (4) Commander’s Intent And Guidance (CDR Wohlschlegel) (5) Course Of Action (COA) Development (LTCol Hubbard) (6) COA Analysis (LTC Quintero) (7) COA Comparison (CDR Wohlschlegel) (8) SAGIP Results (AFP) (9) Situation Update and Warning Order (AFP) (10) Typhoon Lessons Learned (COE) (11) Volcano Lessons Learned (PDC) (12) Philippine Disaster Relief Organization (NDCC) (13) Virtual Planning Resources - J08 (14-17) Country Briefs (Relevant topics and briefers TBD) (17-20) IO / PVO / NGO Briefs (Relevant topics and briefers TBD) (1) Crisis Action Planning (CAP) Overview (Maj Loftus) (2) Commander’s Estimate (LTC Quintero) (3) Mission Analysis (AFP) (4) Commander’s Intent And Guidance (CDR Wohlschlegel) (5) Course Of Action (COA) Development (LTCol Hubbard) (6) COA Analysis (LTC Quintero) (7) COA Comparison (CDR Wohlschlegel) (8) SAGIP Results (AFP) (9) Situation Update and Warning Order (AFP) (10) Typhoon Lessons Learned (COE) (11) Volcano Lessons Learned (PDC) (12) Philippine Disaster Relief Organization (NDCC) (13) Virtual Planning Resources - J08 (14-17) Country Briefs (Relevant topics and briefers TBD) (17-20) IO / PVO / NGO Briefs (Relevant topics and briefers TBD)

26 OPERATIONAL PLANNING PROCESS End State STAFFCCTF/MNFC Mission Analysis Planning guidance COA Development COA Analysis COA Comparison COA Selection Mission Analysis COA Development COA Analysis COA Comparison OPORD Development Warning Orders Staff Estimates CJTF Estimate to CINC Briefing Tm 1 ( Mission Analysis) Briefing Tm 2 (Initial COA) Briefing Tm 3 (COA Decision) Red TM Staff Estimates Brief WO TM

27 MPAT TE-1 Workshop Control Team Exercise Co- Directors AAR Team Senior Control COA Team Facilitators Tech Control Commander, Combined Task Force US: Col Brewster AFP: LTC Azul CDR: BGEN Dagudag DEP: COL Moore CofS: LTC Calizo Team 1: Matias Team 2: TBD Team 3: TBD AFP: LTC Fajardo LTC Padlan LTC Betoneo LTC Samonte MAJ Kakilala LTC Betoneo MAJ Valencia AFP: US: Mr.North US: Mr. Marvin TSG Tadeque SSG Tipon-Tipon US: CDR Taylor MAJ Seidlarz CPT Lyons

28 Staff Cells (Co-Leaders) Air/NavCDR Ferraris (Maritime) LTCOL Hubbard (Air) LandLTC Quintero SOFMAJ McGuire CA/PSYOPSMAJ Moody LOG/ENG /Transportation LTC Harbison PA/MediaLTC Barger IOSSGT Allen C2MAJ Kaufman MedicalCOL Crudo LegalLTC Kielkoph CommsMAJ Hardy IntelLTC Paulson


30 The MPAT Web Page

31 Hotel Schematic CONTROL COA TM 1 COA TM 2 COA TM 3 ADMIN STAIRS First Floor Second Floor NOT OURS

32 Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) Info for workshop participants is placed on web: “” Or send email to: “” Facilitating the Planning Process

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