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Innovative Emerging Computer Technologies
Jacob Barhen and Neena Imam Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate Computational Advances for Distributed Sensing
Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research
Fundamental theoretical, experimental, and computational research Mission: Support DOD and the Intelligence Community Examples of current research topics: Missile defense: C2BMC, HALO-2 project, flash hyperspectral imaging Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of complex simulation models Laser array synchronization (directed energy, ultraweak signal detection, communications, terahertz sources) Terascale computing devices: EnLight optical core processor, IBM multicore CELL BE, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) Nanoscale science, hybrid Nanoelectronics for high-performance computing (HPC) Anti-submarine warfare: source localization, sensor nets, Doppler-sensitive waveforms, LCCA beamforming, multisensor fusion Quantum optics applied to cryptography Computer networks, wireless reconfigurable sensor network CESAR sponsors: DARPA, DOE/SC, MDA, NSF, ONR, NAVSEA, other government agencies
Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research
Fundamental theoretical, experimental, and computational research For distributed sensing applications, some of the most promising advances in the computational area build upon the emergence of multicore CELL processor reconfigurable architectures: XtremeDSP FPGA and HyperX terascale optical core digital devices: EnLight CESAR sponsors: DARPA, DOE/SC, MDA, NSF, ONR, NAVSEA, other government agencies
Technology for petascale computing: The EnLight TM 64 prototype optical core processor
Optical core is prime contributor to the outstanding processing power Full matrix-vector multiplication per single clock cycle Fixed point architecture, 8-bit accuracy per clock cycle EnLight 64 demonstrator Enhanced by on-node FPGA-based processing and control Includes leading edge conventional processor to deliver a full functionality Power dissipation (at 8000 GOPS throughput): EnLight: 40 W (single board), i.e., 5 mW per Giga MAC DSP solution: 2.79 kW (62 boards, 16 DSPs per board), i.e. 352mW per Giga MAC
Threat source localization from distributed sensor net
Patrol aircraft monitoring GPS-capable sonobuoys Application Submerged threat (e.g., submarine in coastal waters) Compute wavefront TDOAs (time differences of arrival) for each pair of sensors S2 S1 SN Sensor data acquisition Foundational steps TDOAs for each pair of sensors Illustrative example 10 sonobuoys sensor net 7 detect a signal 21 TDOAs only (by symmetry) Source localization methodologies M1–M3 M1 Maximum likelihood Iterative least squares M2 Closed form solution M3 Constrained Lagrangian optimization
Delay (in Sampling Intervals)
Accuracy results TDOA magnitude (in units of sampling intervals) versus sensor pairs (ordered lexicographically) for 7 active sensors Exact (model) results Sensor-inferred results computed using 64-bit floating-point FORTRAN on Intel Xeon Exact (model) results Sensor-inferred results computed using EnLight 64 hardware 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TDOAs Delay (in Sampling Intervals) 20 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TDOAs 20 21 Noise and interference are taken as Gaussian processes with a varying power level For SNR >(, Nt ), perfect accuracy achieved Nt = t = 0.08 s Np = 25
Signal processing for active sensor arrays
Keys to superior performance of active distributed sensor networks are Proper waveform selection Accurate signal/system modeling Efficient real-time signal processing via MF bank implementation Broadband Doppler-sensitive waveforms provide one potential solution for distributed target tracking For wideband signals, the effect of target velocity is no longer approximated as a simple “shift” in frequency: Doppler effect includes compression/stretching of the transmitted pulse Demonstrating that this can be done with minimal power consumption will Enable additional capabilities for future remote surveillance and combat systems Provide a building block for other processing-heavy system functions such as sonars, underwater communications, beamforming of large arrays, etc.
Matched filter calculation on EnLight-64 hardware
Accuracy comparison -30 MATLAB Alpha MATLAB Alpha Hardware Implementation Results Time Performance Intel Dual Xeon Enlight 64a 256 Specs 2 GHz 1 GB RAM 60 MHz 16.67 ns 125 MHz 8ns FFT 2 32 128 Timing 9,6262 ms 1.41 ms 0.17 ms -35 -40 Output of filter #1, dB -45 -50 -55 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Range (meters) Computation parameters FFT: 80K complex samples number of filter banks 33 filter banks: 32 Doppler cells, 1 target echo Speed-up factor per processor E 64: 6,826 2 > 13,000 actual hardware E 256: 56,624 2 > 113,000 simulator
Computational Challenge Missile defense requires hyperspectral imagery for target kill assessment and spectral analysis of high-impact scenarios Orbital signatures Exo-atmospheric target characterization Counter- measure signatures Vehicle separation Plume signatures Target signatures Chemical releases Kill assessment or miss distance Trajectory reconstruction Booster tracks This chart provides a brief schematic view of the major missions that HALO II was designed to address: MDA has a full range of test and evaluation needs that require an extremely capable and well characterized sensor system. The span of data types and evaluation needs is cited with thumb-nail examples of impact, reentry, boost and trajectory estimation. The capabilities and flexibility of the HALO II will permit a large number of issues to be effectively examined using high quality EO/IR data. Boost phase interests include resolved plume and hardbody phenomenology, tracking studies and the ability to assist failure resolution. Boost phase transitions to the Midcourse after the cutoff of main propulsion and the deployment or ejection of items, such as reentry vehicles (RVs). The Mid-course interests include the the signatures and tracking aspects of various objects including debris, fuel, hardbodies and decoys. The Reentry or terminal phase begins when object trajectories and dynamics are perturbed by the tenuous atmosphere. The final aspect of BMD testing to be supported by the HALO II will be for intercept characterization and photo documentation of the entire event sequence. Non-BMD goals can span the range of Satellite tracking / Signatures to characterization of ground targets. Interceptor performance Failure diagnostics Photo documentation FOR Flash radiometry Airborne asset 9 Barhen_FutureSystems_0611
Flash hyperspectral imaging
Model Object cube expressed as vector f with N elements: N = Nx Ny Nλ Finite set of measurements, denoted by FPA data vector { gm | m = 1, ..M }, where M is the number of detector elements Imaging system described by means of M N sparse matrix H, determined experimentally Image Reconstruction To date: mixed expectation ML optimization New: CESAR noise-corrected sparse CG Computation Nx = Ny ≥ 256, Nλ ≥ 64 N ≥ M ≈ 8192 M ≥ Need: reconstruction time window ≤5 ms Past performance: over 40 m on Intel Xeon (on much smaller object) CESAR speed-up targets: Factor 1,000-10,000 via algorithms Factor 200 via CELL hw (single node) Objective is to collect a set of registered, spectrally contiguous images of a scene’s spatial radiation distribution within the shortest possible data collection time. FPA Objective Field stop Disperser Reimaging lens Collimator CTIS uses dispersive optics to eliminate scanning
Hyperspectral object reconstruction
CTIS Toeplitz block structure 256 128 density = 11.3% 600 500 Mixed expectation Attractor dynamics Sparse conjugate gradient 400 300 Reconstruction Error (norm) 200 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Iterations
Contacts Jacob Barhen Neena Imam
Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research Computer Science and Mathematics (865) SIPRNET: Neena Imam Center for Engineering Science and Advanced Research (865) 12 Barhen_FutureSystems_0611
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