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January 26, 2014 LAB 1A- DIMENSIONS & UNITS Weather and Climate Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "January 26, 2014 LAB 1A- DIMENSIONS & UNITS Weather and Climate Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 26, 2014 LAB 1A- DIMENSIONS & UNITS Weather and Climate Laboratory

2 Info ✤ Lab Instructor: Erin Friedman ✤ ✤ Office hours: By appointment ✤ Office: 1032 HN

3 Info ✤ Weather and Climate Lab Manual PGEOG 130 Hunter College Department of Geography Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2009 ISBN-10: 0558271170

4 Guidelines ✤ Show up to lab on time ✤ Attendance is mandatory ✤ Lab pre-quizzes given during first 10 minutes of lab; based upon lab chapter. Read lab chapter and textbook to maximize understanding of material ✤ Lab pre-quiz starts with lab 2 ✤ Late labs will be deducted 20 points for each DAY late, unless you have a valid excuse that can be documented ✤ Labs not handed in class are considered late, even if you place it in my mailbox the same day ✤ If you miss a lab DO NOT wait until the next lab meeting to hand in your lab, place it in my mailbox as soon as you can in the Geography main office 1006HN (Down the hall); And have an office staff member sign and date your lab so we can “stop the clock” on points taken off for your lab. ✤ Must use pencil for lab ✤ Staple lab exercises neatly

5 Guidelines ✤ DON'T expect your instructor to privately tutor you if you come late or leave early and then have questions. ✤ Xerox copies of your completed lab are not allowed. Only original labs qualify for submission. You may make a blank copy of a lab and then fill in the answers showing your work and calculations. ✤ If a problem develops during the semester relating to this course DO NOT LET THE PROBLEM BECOME SERIOUS BEFORE DISCUSSING IT WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR. It is better to talk early-on so we can attempt to find a solution. All conversations are in strict confidence. ✤ For more info on lab rules visit: htm htm ✤ Always check your hunter college email for class updates and power points!!!!!


7 Conversion Examples

8 ✤ Question 10: 2 parts to get answer ✤ in --> mm ✤ mm-->mb (hint: 1.333mb per 1 mm) Addendum

9 Time 24 standard time zones Time zones based on central meridians spaced 15 degrees apart 360 degrees of longitude in 24 hrs 360 / 24 = 15 degrees/hr

10 Time

11 Calculating Time If longitudes are same orientation, subtract If longitudes have different orientation, add Divide this difference by 15 degrees

12 Examples If it is 9AM Monday in Tucson (110 degrees W), what time and day is it in NYC (75 degrees W)? 110W - 75W = 35 degrees difference 35/15 = 2.3 hrs ~ 2hrs Ny is east of Tucson, hence 2hrs later --> 11AM Monday

13 Examples Your plane leaves NYC (75 W) at 10AM on Tuesday, bound for Denver (105 W). The flight takes 4 hrs. What is the time and day when you arrive in Denver? 105 W - 75 W = 30 degree difference 30/15 = 2hrs difference Denver is West of NYC, hence it will be earlier If it is 10AM in NYC, it is 8AM in Denver. 8AM + 4hrs flight = 12PM Tuesday

14 End of Lab 1A Lecture

15 Lab 1E- Isolines Isotherms


17 Isolines ✤ Connect points of equal value ✤ Ability to represent large scale data Raw temperature data Isotherm tracings

18 Isolines ✤ Isobars-connect points of equal atmospheric pressure ✤ Isotherms-connect points of equal temperature

19 Drawing Isoline Rules ✤ Isotherms are drawn at 5 degrees of temperature difference ✤ Interpolate values ✤ Connect points of equal value ✤ Always closed curves even though the map will show part of it ✤ Isolines never cross ✤ Isolines have a parallel trend

20 LABTITLEQUESTIONS Lab 1AScientific notationAll Q Lab #1B Earth Measures Q 1-5 Lab #1C Location Part 1: q 1-2, Part 2: q 1-4 Lab #1D TimePart I part 1, q1-4, Part2, q 1a & B Lab # 1 E Isolines All Q Materials: Globe, (atlas), calculator, extra paper to fit explanations Show all work! Due: Feb 10 Pre-lab quiz for lab 2: Feb 10

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