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Group Igneous Department of Marketing Jahangirnagar University.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Igneous Department of Marketing Jahangirnagar University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Igneous Department of Marketing Jahangirnagar University

2 Group Members- SLNameI.D 1 Sayd Zulker Nine (GL)1263 2Ambika Rani1934 3Jannatul Ferdous1267 4Sharmin Akter2311 5M.Alamgir Hossain1942

3 Sayd Zulker Nine ID-1263

4 Case Summary Service: A football game *Campus Event- Football match Between Playing at Mile High Stadium in Denver turns it into a Colorado State event.

5 Facts: > Mile High is the Colorado State stadium. >Seating capacity at Mile high is 76ooo. >Last two games have been sell-out. >Colleges involvement in the management of the game was less. >Additional revenues from national coverage contributes greatly to the schools athletic funds.

6 Consequences: University of Colorado (CU) lead by 41-14 points until last 4 minutes left in the game. *Colorado State University (CSU) students plan to storming the field. *Armed police presence. Students starts pelting the police with everything. Police starts pepper spraying on the students. Police launches tear gas into the stands. Everyone suffers.

7 Case questions were about: What would our recommend be? Playing on Mile High or on campus? Suggestions, If the game continues at mile high? Police actions on Mile High. And what would we do if our school take to manage the sporting event experience?

8 Ambika Rani ID: 1934

9 Question 1. What would your recommendation be? Continue to play at Mile High or stay on campus? Here I show a Molecular Model of Mile High & College Campus.

10 Location Ticket Fee Market Positioning Mile High Sports venue High Parking capacity More seat coverage National TV coverage Food& Drink High revenue

11 Location Ticket fee Market positioning Location Ticket Feeb h College campus Sports venue Low seat coverage Low parking capacity Low revenue No national TV coverage

12 Mile High College Campus 1.Sports Venue: If the game continues to play at Mile High the sports venue is the center place for both colleges than continue to play on campus. 2. Seat coverage: Seating at Mile High is approximately 76000 while seating at CSU is approximately 36000. 76000 Seat Coverage 36000

13 3. Parking capacity: When the games are played on campus, each school manages traffic flow and parking better than High mile. The parking capacity of Mile High is greater than on campus. 4.Food& Drink: Selling food & drink is more permitted at Mile High than on campus. 5. National TV coverage: National TV coverage more dictates when the game is played at Mile High than continue to play on campus. 6: High revenue: The additional revenue generated by coverage contribute greatly to the schools athletic funds when the game is played at Mile High than on campus. Now my recommendation would be to continue to play at Mile High is better than on campus.

14 Sharmin Akter ID:2311

15 If the game continues at mile high, what suggestion would you provide? 1.Trainning of contact personnel Training of denver police should be made in such way that they can handle the fans in positive ways. Some trained polices should be employed on that events to prevent the potential riot. 2.Advance preparation for expantion Mile high management should take some advance preparation for expansion

16 Security Police stadium involvement management

17 3.The third party utilization: The two respective colleges shouldn’t be involved in the management and third party can be brought to manage traffic flow,parking,crowd control and so on. 4.Selling bear: at the game and tailgating should not be permitted at the sporting event. 5.The fixed strong fence: The fixed strong fence should be stood between the field and the stand.

18 Jannatul Ferdous ID:1267

19 Do you think that the fact that the fans who were originally targeted by police were college student as opposed to a “traditional adult population” factored into the actions taken by the police? Yes, the original targets were college students. As… 1. The police were informed that CSU students were planning on storming the field. 2. The riot was in between the CU and CSU students 3. The CSU students began pelting the police.

20 But, Traditional adult population factored in the police and coaches action: 1. Other adult population including young and old fans of the colleges 2. CSU pep band,players and coaches were also suffered. 3. The police and the media were also suffering from the effects of tear gas. Although traditional adult population were also suffering from the effect of tear gas,the original targeted by police were college students.

21 M Alamgir Hossain ID-1942

22 Develop- Own Management ( Like traffic flow, parking, crowed, and so on) Internal practice (Like attitude, behavior, etc) Mental Strength and standard of players, students, fans and audience Training contact personals like volunteer Becoming intimate with safety provider like police National TV forecast When game will be played Unique Steps to Manage the Sporting Event Experience

23 Thank you For your Pertinence

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