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Reaching the limits of a policy argument (and giving the client the bad news ) Robert Anderson Professor of the Practice of Law University of Denver Sturm.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching the limits of a policy argument (and giving the client the bad news ) Robert Anderson Professor of the Practice of Law University of Denver Sturm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching the limits of a policy argument (and giving the client the bad news ) Robert Anderson Professor of the Practice of Law University of Denver Sturm College of Law

2  Fact gathering  Exploring policy arguments  Reaching the limits of policy  Giving the client the bad news A modular exercise

3  Context for the exercise  Exploring the keys to objective analysis  Understanding the power of binding authority  Set up for the exercise A modular exercise

4  Divide students into attorney-client pairs  Attorney conducts client interview 1 st module: fact gathering

5  Provide primer on search and seizure law  Lead discussion of policy and fairness arguments 2 nd module: exploring policy

6  Read and discuss Caballes v. Illinois  Listen to and discuss U.S. v. Johnson oral argument 3 rd module: Reaching the limits of policy

7  Return class to attorney-client teams  Attorney delivers Caballes analysis to client  Client responds 4 th module: Giving the client the bad news

8  Take it slow  Can’t take it slow? Break it into pieces Lessons learned

9  Similarly themed exercises?  Your lessons learned?  Suggested mods and patches? Questions: yours and mine

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