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Welcome to Unit 5 Fractions and Fraction Computation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Unit 5 Fractions and Fraction Computation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Unit 5 Fractions and Fraction Computation

2 Course Outcomes EP210-3 Identify developmentally appropriate grade level strategies for mathematics instruction EP210-4 Apply mathematical instructional methods to accommodate individual learning styles

3 Unit Outcomes Apply the problem-solving approach to other topic areas in teaching math Explain how problem-solving requires an underlying genuine understanding of math concepts, rather than a reliance on formulas or equations to memorize. Identify strategies for incorporating technology into the classroom and with individual students

4 Unit 5 To-do-List Read Chapters 16 and 17 View the Web Resources View the Video Respond to 2 discussion threads Project

5 Unit 5 Project There are 3 models for dealing with fractions you will be required to respond to.  Region or area models  Length or measurement models  Set models Explain one example for mastery for each model mentioned above. Consider visual aides and manipulatives.

6 Discuss how you would work out the problem given without using the traditional method. (Invert and multiply)  Informal exploration  Estimation  Hands on tasks to put the work in a context  Opportunities for students to discuss their progress.

7 What your paper should look like: 1 st page – Title page 2 nd - 4 th pages – Content of paper 5 th page – Reference page

8 Are there any questions concerning the Unit 5 project?

9 Preview for Final Project Choose 2 lessons from what is given to analyze. The lessons chosen must be from 2 different grade levels.  K-2 grades  3-6 grades  7-8 grades There are 5 questions that should be answered in essay form. You will discuss materials needed, differentiated instruction, strategies, etc.

10 Paper should look like: Paper will be 3-5 pages double-spaced. 1 st page – Title page 2 nd -6 th pages – Content of paper 7 th page – Reference page The content of the paper must be between 3 and 5 pages. This means no less than three and no more than 5.

11 Are there any questions concerning the Final Project? Please do not wait until the last minute to work on your projects. Time has already flown by. We are already half through the course.

12 Unit 5: Fractions and Computation with Fractions Most students do not like fractions and they try to avoid them. The fact remains that they will be used daily for the rest of their lives. We need to model fractions with many different meanings for a greater understanding. Students build on prior knowledge. Therefore, they are going to use what they know about whole numbers when working with fractions.

13 Review of Fractional Concepts Fractions equates to fair sharing Fractions are used in measurement Fractions are used in probability When you think of fractions, we must look into the future to see where they are used. Algebraic Computation Decimals and percents Ratios and proportions

14 Developing Fraction Concepts Fractions are modeled using:  Part-whole (most used)  Measure (establish and count how many)  Division (a piece of something)  Operator (fraction of a whole number)  Ratio ( part-part or part-whole)

15 Students will use their knowledge of whole number concepts when they encounter fractions. Teacher and paraprofessionals need to compare/contrast whole numbers to fractions to obtain a greater understanding.

16 Paraprofessionals need to model fractions. Can you think of different ways to model fractions? What are some of the misconceptions students have about fractions? What is confusing them?

17 Take a look at the following website. Scroll down near the bottom and look at some of the different activities. We will meet back in five minutes to talk about the different activities and the strategies that are present. /teaching/frac.htm

18 Why So Confusing?????? Read the introduction and watch the video to answer the above question. We will meet back in 5-7 minutes. ching-fractions.php

19 Strategies That Enhance Instruction in Fractions Can you explain when you multiply 19 by 1/3 why the answer decreases?

20 Computation of fractions are used:  Making estimates  Algebra  Daily measurements  Other mathematical areas

21 The NCTM suggests that when dealing with fractions the following should occur: Grades 3-5 – development of number sense and informal approaches to addition and subtraction. Grades 6-8 – expand skills to all operations.

22 There are many strategies in your book to help you understand fractions and to be able to help students understand fractions. There are thousands of strategies out there. We must be able to find strategies that help our students understand fractions. By no means does this mean that a few strategies will work for all.

23 Questions?????? Do you have any questions about projects, grades (generic), fractions, fractional computation?

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