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Inclusion and the Differentiated Classroom By Jennifer Cucinotta.

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2 Inclusion and the Differentiated Classroom By Jennifer Cucinotta

3 How do we learn? We learn from new challenges We learn from each other We take in more information when we are young We all learn differently We learn by making connections Every brain is unique in its own way

4 What is Differentiation Not all students are alike and acquire information the same way, therefore, teachers need to adjust the curriculum to try and incorporate different methods to meet the needs of all learners.

5 Differentiation Multiple options for receiving information Incorporate different teaching methods Flexible Adjust curriculum Maximize each student’s growth and success Teachers should be involved and help in the learning process

6 Differentiation in the classroom Teachers must pre-assess to know their students background and prior knowledge Put students into pairs or groups as needed It gives teachers an idea of students ability and readiness for the lesson

7 Content and how to teach the content Teachers should know the state standards and benchmarks for the grade level they teach Teachers must set up a plan of how they are going to teach Teachers can include… Modeling Different modalities Independent or group work Practice Work Differentiate work for students

8 How to meet the needs of students The special needs students need modifications (guided outlines,graphic organizers, word banks) Provide time for re- teaching Provide visuals, manipulatives, clear directions, and various ways of acquiring information Appropriate grouping Challenge and assist ALL students Provide high-level thinking Write thorough explanations Make connections

9 Assess Teachers need to make sure their students are acquiring the information being taught Evaluate Observe Writing Samples Worksheets Rubrics

10 Inclusion Two teachers working together to deliver instruction to a class of students with different needs

11 Collaborative teaching Flexible Provides support for students Work together Share instructional time Both teachers work with all students Collaborate and modify curriculum

12 Different Methods Supportive teaching (One teacher instructs and the other teacher assists students while walking around) Parallel teaching (Class is split into two groups and each teacher instructs a group) Station Teaching (Independent stations and each teacher monitors a different station) Alternative Teaching (One teacher leads lesson and the other teacher pulls small groups)

13 Inclusion in the Classroom Teachers rotate roles Teachers are responsible for all students Common planning time Differentiate assignments so all students can work to their challenging level Support system for all

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