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Inclusive Practices: Co- Teaching Indiana IEP Resource Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive Practices: Co- Teaching Indiana IEP Resource Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Practices: Co- Teaching Indiana IEP Resource Center

2 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Defining Co-Teaching “The term co-teaching is not interchangeable with the term “inclusion.” Inclusion is a philosophy that “everyone belongs, is accepted, supports and is supported by his peers and other members of the school community in the course of having his or her educational needs met.” Co- teaching is only one component in creating an effective inclusive program.” (Stainback & Stainback, 1990)

3 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Defining Co-Teaching Co-teaching is… –a service delivery mechanism. –two or more professionals with equivalent licensure and employment status. –shared instructional responsibility and accountability for a single group of students.

4 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Defining Co-Teaching Co-teaching occurs primarily in a shared classroom or workspace. Co-teachers’ specific level of participation may vary based on their skills and the instructional needs of the student group.

5 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Defining Co-Teaching Co-Teaching Is Not… –Possible to plan for alone –One teaches while one corrects papers –One Teach, one stroll around –“My student” or “Your student” –Teaching the students with special needs in one part of the classroom

6 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-Teaching Pairs: Relationships Communication Expectations in the Classroom Co-Teacher Discussions

7 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-Teaching Pairs: Communication How do you plan to communicate during the school day?

8 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-Teaching Pairs: Expectations Take time to formally share expectations for the co-teaching experience. Express expectations in the areas of discipline, classwork, grading, planning, and modifications to name a few.

9 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-Teaching Pairs: Discussions What do we want to do when…?

10 Who can be my Co-Teaching Partner? ELL Teacher/General Ed Teacher ELL Teacher/Special Ed Teacher Special Ed Teacher/General Ed Teacher Special Ed Teacher/Speech Language Pathologist Special Ed Teacher/Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist

11 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-Teaching and the Continuum of Services General Education General Education with Special Education Services Co-Taught Class (General Education) Self-Contained Special Education Class Special Education Class in a Separate Setting Private Day School Residential School Home/Hospital Instruction Least Supportive Least Collaborative Most Supportive Most Collaborative

12 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-teaching: Placement 1.Case Conference Discussion 2.Student specific Discussion 3.Purposeful Placement 4.Document the decision (see sample format)

13 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER 1.Co-plan 2.Co-instruct 3.Co-assess Co-teaching Requirements

14 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-teaching Requirements: Co- Plan! For those of you that currently co-teach, how do you plan your lessons? For those of you that are preparing to co-teach, how will you plan your lessons? How do we find the time for co-planning if we don’t have a dedicated time?

15 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-teaching Requirements: Co- Plan! Using a Co-Planner Reciprocal Planning/Leaving Early Floating Planning Period Varying Days/Varying Classrooms Banking Instructional Time Not held to other building supervision in exchange for planning time Collaboration Time

16 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-teaching Requirements: Co- Teach! Discussing the Co-Teaching Methods One Teach, One Assist Alternative Teaching Parallel Teaching Station Teaching Team Teaching

17 Co-teach: One Teach, One Assist One teacher leads the class the other supports instruction. Most Frequently Used Roles should change often Supporting Teacher can be: Setting up for the next activity Monitoring/Observing behavior Providing accommodations Redirecting students

18 Co-teach: Alternative Small group used to pre-teach, re- teach, enrich or individualize instruction. The make up of the group should vary.

19 Co-teach: Parallel Same content same method Same content: different methods Different content Divide and Conquer

20 Co-teach: Stations Divide content between teacher led stations and independent stations

21 Co-teach: Team Teaching Two teachers leading the whole class at the same time

22 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-Teaching Requirements: Co–Assess! Questions to Consider Related to Grading in Inclusive Settings Are you explicit about the grading policy? Do you use multilevel grading? Do you give credit for participation? Do you evaluate students’ performance in a variety of ways? Do you consider multiple intelligences?

23 INDIANA IEP RESOURCE CENTER Co-teaching Requirements: Co– Assess! Grading Options to Consider: Letter grades or system used by general educator Pass/Fail Exhibitions Shared Grading Letter Grades with level of difficulty coding Multiple Grading- (Rubrics) Portfolio summaries Work samples with rubrics

24 Indiana IEP Resource Center Indiana IEP Resource Center

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