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CTfastrak – Transit at the Speed of Life December 7, 2015 2015 NEITE Annual Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "CTfastrak – Transit at the Speed of Life December 7, 2015 2015 NEITE Annual Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTfastrak – Transit at the Speed of Life December 7, 2015 2015 NEITE Annual Meeting

2 Format for Today Introduction History Project Challenges – Administrative and Physical Overcoming Challenges What Makes CTfastrak Different? Technological Evolution/Innovation Measures of Success

3 Connecticut’s FIRST bus rapid transit system (BRT) Opened March 28, 2015 CTfastrak Bus Rapid Transit System Mainline connecting Hartford West Hartford, Newington, New Britain Part of a larger regional transportation system with multiple stops and routes

4 How Did We Get Here? Joint study: ConnDOT, CRCOG, CCRPA, Towns I-84 Corridor West of Hartford including Arterial Roadways, Neighborhoods, Rail Lines Alternatives Studied; Modes and Corridors –Commuter Rail –Light Rail –Bus Rapid Transit –High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes –Highway Widening

5 How Did We Get Here? Locally Preferred Alternative: Busway and Package of Other Improvements Why Was the Busway the Preferred Option? Highest Ridership Best Congestion Management Outcomes Cost-Effectiveness Development Opportunities

6 What is BRT? – Fare collection – ITS elements – Service plan – Branding of BRT Bus Rapid Transit (BRT ) is state-of-the-art transit service – Running way – Stations –platform height – Vehicles – propulsion, esthetics

7 Busway Project Goals? User Benefits for Riders Benefits for Residents TOD/Economic Development Regional Rail Connections Travel Alternative in the Corridor Air Quality Multi-Use Trail Employment Impact

8 Project Challenges- Administrative  Generating public support  Multiple stakeholders, 7 design firms, 10 prime contractors  14 construction contracts  Portion of program funded under full funding agreement with FTA  Cost accounting system  Aggressive construction schedule  Systems start-up

9 Project Challenges- Physical  Busway runs along active and inactive railroad corridors  Share right-of-way with Amtrak  Amtrak C&S and utility relocation  Capacity – Roadways, Intersections, Platforms  Integrate intelligent transportation systems – (CAD/AVL, VMS, TVMs, Fareboxes)  Designer and municipality coordination  Maintenance issues

10 Newington Junction Station 10

11 Pre-Cast Concrete Arch – Cedar Street, Newington 11

12 Flatbush Avenue Overpass 12

13 13 Wall & Bridge Construction at Flatbush Avenue Bridge

14 GeoFoam Fill 14

15 GeoFoam Fill 15

16 Project Challenges- Physical  Busway runs along active and inactive railroad corridors  Share right-of-way with Amtrak  Amtrak C&S and utility relocation  Capacity – Roadways, Intersections, Platforms  Integrate intelligent transportation systems – (CAD/AVL, VMS, TVMs, Fareboxes)  Designer and municipality coordination  Maintenance issues

17 Overcoming the Challenges Coordination Use of TechnologyPublicEngagement ServicePlanning

18 Coordination  During final design, coordinated among 7 design firms  During construction, coordinated the work of 10 prime contractor through 14 contracts  Established program office  Enlisted partnering agent to facilitate contract negotiations and resolve issues  Guideway completion tied to:  Vehicle procurement  ITS installations  Bus operator hiring/training

19 Coordination  Aggressive construction schedule required careful program and construction management  Start of revenue operations: March 28, 2015  Keys to success  Proper schedule planning  Evaluation of constraints  Use of monthly updates and reporting

20 Public Engagement  Extensive market research  Campaign focus on target audience  Over 200 public meetings and 150 outreach events  Open house meetings  Gather public input  Short presentations  Q&A  Staff interaction  Project Website  Social Media  CTfastrak Rewards

21 Project Website

22 Social Media

23 Service Planning

24 Local Service Map

25 This Is Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile – or Buick 25



28 Level Boarding at CTfastrak Stations Low-Floor Buses

29 Free Wi-Fi on the Bus

30 Multi-Use Trail - Before 30

31 Multi-Use Trail - After 31

32 Bicycle Accommodations

33 Bikes Stowed On Board 40’ and 60’ CTfastrak Buses 33 For bike storage, use the rear door Keep bike on your left when entering the bus

34 Trip Planning

35 Online Trip Planner

36 “Transit App” for iPhone and Android Phones and Tablets 36 Real time bus info!

37 Google Maps now has real time bus information

38 Real-Time Bus Arrival Information

39 Fare Technology 39

40 40 Defining Success - Ridership

41 Public Transportation Saves Money Average household spends 17.5 cents of every dollar on transportation 94% of this goes to buying, maintaining, and operating cars, the largest expenditure after housing. What could you do with an extra $10,000 a year? 41 Source – American Public Transportation Association

42 42 Transportation and Millennials

43 Transportation and Not-Yet-Millenials

44 Defining Success - Businesses

45 craigslist “Two Bedroom/Two Bathroom Walk to CTfastrak (New Britain) $1095 / 2br - 940ft 2” Defining Success

46 Lessons Learned  Ensure coordination between design elements, operating requirements and specialized systems and equipment (buses, ITS, etc.)  Engage highway maintenance operations early in the planning process  Allow sufficient time to develop and complete tasks such as service planning, operational plans, bus operator hiring and training

47 Positive Outcomes/Experiences  Ridership numbers have exceeded pre-opening day expectations.  New branding has drawn interest of riders  Introduction of new technologies  Expanding with CTfastrak East and CTfastrak Fairfield Co.  Looking to expand our parking areas  TOD - Economic development opportunities  Business and Customer Incentives – CTfastrak Rewards  CTfastrak being used for entertainment, college students

48 48 Transit at the Speed of Life

49 Benefits  Better access to downtown and suburban employment centers for:  Congestion management benefits  Improved access to jobs  Flexible busway service design allows transit system to effectively respond to changing ridership demand and future development within corridor  TOD - Economic development opportunities  Improved access to:  Education  Health Care  Entertainment  Expandability – CTfastrak East  Business and Customer Incentives – CTfastrak Rewards

50 Entering and Exiting the Bus All doors open for boarding and exiting Raised platform and bus floor at same height

51 Bus Interior

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