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BrainGate Hardware Summer Bird Kacie Johnson Gitau Muchane Jonathan Wright Washington Farver.

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Presentation on theme: "BrainGate Hardware Summer Bird Kacie Johnson Gitau Muchane Jonathan Wright Washington Farver."— Presentation transcript:

1 BrainGate Hardware Summer Bird Kacie Johnson Gitau Muchane Jonathan Wright Washington Farver

2 Definition BrainGate Neural Interface Device- a ‘brain-computer’ interface that uses internal neural signal sensor and external processors to convert neural signals into an output signal under the users own control. BrainGate Neural Interface Device- a ‘brain-computer’ interface that uses internal neural signal sensor and external processors to convert neural signals into an output signal under the users own control.

3 What It Is The sensor consists of a tiny chip (smaller than a baby aspirin) with one hundred electrode sensors each thinner than a hair that detect brain cell electrical activity. The sensor consists of a tiny chip (smaller than a baby aspirin) with one hundred electrode sensors each thinner than a hair that detect brain cell electrical activity.

4 Basic Process The electrode translates brain activity and sends the information to the computer in a format it can understand. The electrode translates brain activity and sends the information to the computer in a format it can understand.

5 How it Works BrainGate uses a sensor that is implanted onto the motor cortex of the brain. The device analyzes brain signals then interprets and translated them into cursor movements. BrainGate uses a sensor that is implanted onto the motor cortex of the brain. The device analyzes brain signals then interprets and translated them into cursor movements.

6 Current Applications Navigate Internet Navigate Internet Play Computer Games Play Computer Games Turn Lights On and Off Turn Lights On and Off Control Television Control Television

7 Future Applications Regulating Breathing Regulating Breathing Controlling Body Functions Controlling Body Functions

8 Benefits can provide paralyzed can provide paralyzed or motor-impaired or motor-impaired patients a mode of patients a mode of communication through communication through the translation of thought the translation of thought into direct computer control. into direct computer control. Nagle, a 25-year-old quadriplegic, is the first human fitted with the BrainGate Neural Interface.

9 “Here we have a research participant who is capable of controlling his environment by thought alone– something we have only found in science fiction so far.” “Here we have a research participant who is capable of controlling his environment by thought alone– something we have only found in science fiction so far.” – Surgeon Gerhard Friehs of Brown Medical School From Forbidden Planet 1956

10 Do You Have Any Questions? THANK YOU!

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