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Welcome, Lightning Bolt Students and Parents!. “Lightning Bolt” Team Teachers Mr. McCandless~ Science (room 710) Mrs. Prawel (Fonville)~ Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, Lightning Bolt Students and Parents!. “Lightning Bolt” Team Teachers Mr. McCandless~ Science (room 710) Mrs. Prawel (Fonville)~ Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, Lightning Bolt Students and Parents!

2 “Lightning Bolt” Team Teachers Mr. McCandless~ Science (room 710) Mrs. Prawel (Fonville)~ Social Studies (room 706) Ms. Frauenhoffer~ Language Arts (room 708) Mrs. Adams~ Math (room 704)

3 Agenda Books/Planners Agendas should be checked nightly for homework and notes (also check websites). If a student has no homework, the agenda should read “No Homework.” Agendas are the only hall passes and should not be folded or mutilated. Replacement cost is $5.00. Vital information such as a schedule, the WS/FCS Dress Code, school rules and fees are in the Agenda. Use it. Don’t lose it!

4 Homework For core classes, expect your child to have an average of 1-2 hours of homework a night Monday through Thursday. (at times, Friday) Homework is not optional. Homework that is incomplete or not turned in will, of course, negatively impact your student’s grade. Classwork/homework is expected to be made up after an absence. If your child consistently has “no homework,” please check our website or contact us.

5 How to view our webpages … Click “Faculty/Staff Webpages” tab. Our names are listed alphabetically Click the teacher of your choice. On ALL our pages, you can access the TEAM HOMEWORK/EVENTS link.

6 7 th Grade Language Arts Karen Frauenhoffer Room 708 * Please access teacher web pages daily for homework assignments and upcoming events.

7 Language Arts Literature: –Novels: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Gifted Hands by Dr. Ben Carson …possibly other titles -- We also be may reading selections from the lit. textbook and other sources. -- Independent Reading * Articles of the Week (AoWs) * Reading Logs: books of students’choosing

8 Reading Logs Each QUARTER, an independent Reading Log will be completed on a book chosen by the student (with teacher approval). *** The log will be a project grade. ****** The log will be a project grade. *** This project will be an ongoing homework assignment during each quarter. The log will require the student to reflect on his/her reading by developing insights or questions based on what they read each night.

9 Writing  Major Style: ARGUMENTATIVE  Students will “argue” their point by providing evidence from the text.  In addition to argumentative writing, students will also journey into the realm of descriptive writing and poetry.  GRAMMAR: “Fantastic Fives”  Punctuation, spelling, and mechanics mastery

10 Vocabulary Vocabulary will be studied in context with the grammar and reading assignments. –Root Word-based vocab. –Context Vocabulary Vocab quizzes will be given throughout the year. You can study at home and online at Spelling City… –There is a link to Spelling City on my webpage and they have a mobile App

11 A packet of school forms will be given to your child the first day of class. Please read, sign, and return all forms to your child’s Homebase teacher. * Student fee is $.50 *

12 Receive Text or Email Alerts: For Text reminders, text the message @bolts-ela to 81010. For Email reminders, send a blank email to: bolts- ela@mail.remind.combolts- This is a quick and easy way to stay connected about upcoming due dates, field trips, or other class-related information!

13 Ms. Frauenhoffer’s Teacher Wish List PencilsPencils Kleenex & Paper TowelsKleenex & Paper Towels Clorox wipesClorox wipes Glue sticksGlue sticks HighlightersHighlighters Hand SanitizerHand Sanitizer Sticky notes

14 What to discuss with me tonight: Tell me if you are new to the school.Tell me if you are new to the school. Tell me if I taught your brother or sister.Tell me if I taught your brother or sister. Tell me what you like to learn.Tell me what you like to learn. Tell me your feelings regarding Language Arts.Tell me your feelings regarding Language Arts.

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