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Exam starts right now! Great – no stress!. The Tenets Central Tenets about Exam –Alignment between learning goals and evaluation Evaluation DevOps work.

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Presentation on theme: "Exam starts right now! Great – no stress!. The Tenets Central Tenets about Exam –Alignment between learning goals and evaluation Evaluation DevOps work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam starts right now! Great – no stress!

2 The Tenets Central Tenets about Exam –Alignment between learning goals and evaluation Evaluation DevOps work and architectural solution, not reciting definitions by authors of cloud computing We will try to evaluate your code and architecture –Spend your time on DevOps, not on producing reports Writing good reports is important in academia. But this is not the learning focus of this course. DevOps is! Screen shots, screen casts, “”,, JaCoCo output, “steenlarsen/mycave:latest” –We believe you are honest people A screen shot says more than a 1000 words We will award your 20 points if the screen shot seems to represent a decent effort to solve the exercise CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen2

3 The Tenets –We do not like cheating Photoshopping a screen shot, borrowing one from a good friend does not really make you better at the learning goals At ‘gates’ we pull your images and study it carefully –We are agile and learning while we go along I acknowledge that we may be pretty ambitious in this course. The exam requirements will be adjusted along the way. Learning is important – not intimidation! –We need your feedback !!! We cannot steer the ship if we cannot see the ocean! CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen3

4 CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen4

5 Ok Exercises are organized in iterations –Roughly correlated to week and topics within Exercises reward points for solving –More points means better grade –Point to grade calibration?Bell curve, medians, … Some exercises are mandatory (*) –‘Availability’ and ‘Deployment’ are main topics, so you need to tackle them for a passing grade Some exercises give no points –Means either a) just for deep thoughts or b) you will need to go over it anyway to solve later exercises (iteration 0!) CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen5

6 Handing in Each exercise has a name and a ‘hand-in’ requirement –‘productions-socket’ –Blackboard ‘write submission’ your IP:port We strive to ‘grade’/feedback as soon as possible –Hopefully on a daily basis on working days –TAs load balance though Limit N/5 per day Priority to exercises for ‘this week’ and (*) exercises CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen6

7 Feedback 0/20 points is not much of a feedback! –Right! Come to the Cloud Lab and talk to us! Talk to your fellow students about what they did or did not 10/20 points, why not 20/20 points? –Come to the Cloud Lab and talk to us! –Review the feedback in BlackBoard CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen7

8 Gates Points are rewarded in ‘good faith’ –If it looks plausible, we award it Gates –TAs and I dig deeper Pulls your last image –Run the tests, review code, review code coverage, review logs, whatever Match with your hand-ins –In case of discrepancy We invite you at the lab to clear things up –Worst case: Points are withdrawn CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen8

9 Iteration 0 [Discuss this week’s exercises] [Discuss next week’s exercises] CS@AUHenrik Bærbak Christensen9

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