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Meeting #4 – February 2011 – Web-Technologies Homework Assignments Svetlin Nakov Telerik Corporation

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1 Meeting #4 – February 2011 – Web-Technologies Homework Assignments Svetlin Nakov Telerik Corporation


3 1. Prepare at least 20 questions for preparation for the National Olympiad's IT test  Prepare at least one question for each category from the official conspectus  Try to create complex, non-trivial questions  Categories are officially published at http://edusoft.fmi.uni- http://edusoft.fmi.uni- http://edusoft.fmi.uni-  Follow strictly the IT test template: IT-Test- Questions-Template.pptx IT-Test- Questions-Template.pptxIT-Test- Questions-Template.pptx 3


5 2. Describe the infrastructure of WWW. What is URL? What is HTML? What is HTTP? 3. Describe the HTTP protocol in details: HTTP requests, HTTP responses, request methods and status codes. 4. What is the difference between GET and POST methods in the HTTP requests? 5. What is a "cookie" and how does it work? 6. Install Fiddler, Firebug and WireShark and play with them. Try to inspect how Facebook works.


7 7. Write an HTML page like the following: * Use headings and divs 7

8 8. Write an HTML page like the following: 9. Write an HTML page looking like the PNG file named 3.Introduction.PNG. Using the tag add anchors to the corresponding sections in the same page. 8

9 10. Create an user profile Web page Profile.html, friends page named Friends.html and info page named Info.html. Link them to one another using tag. 9

10 10 11. Create a Web site like the following: See the image InetJava-site.png.


12 12 12. Create Web Pages like the following using tables: 13. Create a Web Page like the following using forms:

13 14. Create a Web form that looks like this sample: 13 See the image Sample-form.png


15 15. Create the following Web page region using HTML with external CSS file. Note that each program line should be a hyperlink. Hint: use a definition list ( ) holding each program entry in a block element (e.g. ) with two child inline elements – and. 15

16 16 16. Create the following Web page using HTML and external CSS. Using tables, inline styles, deprecated tags, and class attributes is not allowed.

17 17 17. Create the following Web page using a table (one column with 3 rows) for the separate sections and external CSS styles. Buttons should be PNG images with text over them.

18 18 18. Create the following Web page using HTML with external CSS file. Note that the images should be PNG with transparent background.

19 19. Given the picture below ( CSS-Web-Site.png ) create the Web site. Use CSS and XHTML. 19


21 20. Create this with XHTML and CSS. Using tables and frames are not allowed! 21 See the file: site-sample.png

22 21. Create this with XHTML and CSS. Using tables and frames is not allowed! 22 See the file: architecture.psd


24 24 22. Write a HTML page using HTML 5 that consists of Header, Footer, Navigation and Aside Panels. Position them as in the picture on the right 23. Convert the Exercise_02.html HTML page to HTML5 page modifying existing semantic tags (like the doctype tag) and by replacing old/adding new semantic tags


26  Homework solutions should be submitted at the following Web site:   Solutions should be packed in a single ZIP or RAR archive (up to 8 MB) 26

27  The deadline for the homework is:  A week before the next training session  Everybody is free to use help from friends, teachers or Internet  Submission of the same work by different authors may result in a disqualification  Ask your questions in the Telerik School Academy official discussion group:  27

28 Questions?

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