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Lesson #. Catalyst Pick up your graded assignments from your folder in the back, and put them in the Graded Work section of your binder. Write down today’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson #. Catalyst Pick up your graded assignments from your folder in the back, and put them in the Graded Work section of your binder. Write down today’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson #

2 Catalyst Pick up your graded assignments from your folder in the back, and put them in the Graded Work section of your binder. Write down today’s topic in your T.O.C. Write down your dream job, dream college, and target GPA for the week on a new point Sheet. 1. Look at your “progress report” from your folder in the back. 2. What assignments are you missing? 3. Why are you missing those assignments? 4. So far in this class, are you on track for getting free college? If not, why not? Objective: Distinguish between Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells Lesson #11 Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells

3 Reminder: signing the wall!

4 Period 4: Congratulations to… Troy (100%) James (100%) Aaronisha Jada

5 Housekeeping TEST on Friday Organelles Characteristics of Life Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic cells Forgot to turn in your point sheets? Tardiness check GEE Prep Reminder: cell phones

6 Hmmm: Can you get pregnant without having sex? Normally no. But… In Vitro fertilization Over 3 million! Louise Brown, first baby

7 What are we doing today? TODAY Catalyst: A: Pro-Euk Exploration B: Pro-Euk WS Agenda Binder check Explore activity Lecture Relay race (if time!) WS Tonight’s Homework: Finish class WS

8 Binder check

9 TODAY’S QUESTIONS We know that a cell is the smallest unit of life. What are the different types of cells? How did these different cell types evolve?

10 Which is older?

11 At the stations Question: In what ways are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different? Hypothesize 4+ differences/similarities Write them down! Move around to at least 2 stations You can talk to people in your groups

12 Activity Debrief

13 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic

14 Relay race

15 Worksheet time

16 Worksheet review

17 Wrap-Up Add up your points for today. Today’s work  Your folder Tonight’s HW: Finish class WS Exit Question 1. Name two ways in which prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are different. 2. Draw a very quick sketch of a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell. Make it clear which cell is which.

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