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Kuliah 1 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Konsep Dasar Teknologi Informasi.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuliah 1 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Konsep Dasar Teknologi Informasi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuliah 1 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi Oleh Coky Fauzi Alfi Konsep Dasar Teknologi Informasi

2 Topics The Technology Revolution Information Technology Competency Data and Information Information Technology is... Information Technology and Visual Communication Design Information Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

3 The Technology Revolution

4 Begin... Wheel

5 Then... Steam EngineElectricity

6 And Then... SemiconductorComputer

7 Today... Internet

8 Future... Wireless

9 Information Technology Competency From a nice-to-have skill to a job- critical skill.

10 What is Information Technology Competency? Feel comfortable using and operating a computer system Be able to make the computer work for you Be able to interact with the computer

11 What is Information Technology Competency? Be comfortable in cyberspace Understand the impact of computer on society, now and in the future Be an intelligent consumer of computer hardware and sofware Be conversant in the language of computer and information technology

12 Data and Information

13 It all begins with data... Data are just raw facts. They are all around us. Information is data that have been collected and processed into a meaningful form. Simply, Information is the meaning we give to accumulated facts (data).

14 Hierarchy of Data Organization 0,1 11000001=A Alvin Adams Alvin Adams, 820 Tioga Ave, NYC Alvin Adams, Mary Birch, Zak Zakery Employee master; Inventory master; Customer master; Supplier master etc. Bits Characters Fields Records Files Database

15 Information Technology is...

16 Information Technology (IT) deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to securely convert, store, protect, process, transmit, input, output, and retrieve information. Information Technology

17 INPUTPROSESOUTPUT TEKNOLOGI Computer hardware Software application DataInformation Convert Store Edit

18 Information Technology & Visual Communication Design

19 INPUT Idea Sketch Text Picture/Image Sound Video Footage PROSES OUTPUT Logo Web site Publication Illustration Music Film Animation TEKNOLOGI Scanner Video Capture Card Firewire Sound Card Hard Disk Compact Disk Graphic Design Software Video Editing Software Audio Editing Software Web Development Software Animation Software

20 Information Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages

21 The Advantages of IT Globalization Communication Cost effectiveness Bridging the cultural gap More time Creation of new jobs

22 The Disadvantages of IT Unemployment Privacy Lack of job security Dominant culture

23 What’s Your Message? © 2011

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