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Artificial intelligence cognitive modeling artificial intelligence cognitive modeling artificial intelligence cognitive modeling From mindfulness to compassion.

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial intelligence cognitive modeling artificial intelligence cognitive modeling artificial intelligence cognitive modeling From mindfulness to compassion."— Presentation transcript:

1 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling artificial intelligence cognitive modeling artificial intelligence cognitive modeling From mindfulness to compassion – a neuroscientific perspective Marieke van Vugt Dept of Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Engineering, University of Groningen @mvugt

2 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Take-away  Compassion changes the way we feel  Compassion can be trained through mindfulness  Mindfulness works by increasing mental clarity & flexibility

3 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling What is compassion?  Klimecki & Singer (2014): compassion is characterized by feelings of warmth, concern and care for the other, as well as a strong motivation to improve the other’s well-being

4 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Compassion in the brain Klimecki et al. (2013) Compassion activates a unique set of brain areas associated with reward, cognitive control – and different from empathy (i.e., resonating with another’s feeling) Empathy activates the pain network

5 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Compassion related to well-being Singer & Klimecki (2014)

6 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Cultivating compassion  If compassion makes us feel good, then how can we cultivate it?  One way: mindfulness

7 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Mindfulness has compassion as side effect Condon et al. (2013)

8 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling What is mindfulness?  Jon Kabat-Zinn: “paying attention, in a particular way, non-judgmentally”  Sogyal Rinpoche: getting to know your own mind, being non-distracted

9 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Let’s try it!  Make yourself comfortable  Bring your attention gently to your breath, and observe what occurs in your mind  When a thought arises, gently bring your attention back to your breath

10 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling What do you think?  Could mindfulness increase compassion?  How would it do that?  Let’s consider some scientific studies on how mindfulness changes your mind: Clarity of mind Mental flexibility  Both required to switch focus from self to others

11 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Mindfulness increases mental clarity  29 experienced meditators vs 29 inactive controls  One-month retreat at Shambhala Mountain Centre, Colorado  Task: remembering detailed face pictures

12 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling van Vugt & Jha (2011) Meditators showed increase in quality of remembered information -> “clarity” Mindfulness increases mental clarity

13 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Mindfulness increases mental flexibility van Vugt et al (2012) Free recall with emotional words as a measure of “being stuck”)

14 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Mindfulness increases mental flexibility van Vugt et al (2012) MBCT associated with increased ability to continue recalling positive memories, decrease in continuing to recall negative memories

15 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Being stuck in self-related worry decreases working memory Daamen, Taatgen & van Vugt (in prep)

16 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Summary  Compassion associated with well-being & specific brain activity patterns  One way to train compassion: mindfulness  Mindfulness helps to take charge of your mind Increased clarity Improved mental flexibility

17 artificial intelligence cognitive modeling Acknowledgements  Mind & Life Institute  Niels Taatgen  Jérome Sackur & Mikaël Bastian  Heleen Slagter  Willoughby Britton  Amishi Jha  Henk Barendregt

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