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ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats.

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1 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats

2 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Kellie Evanish Geography5th-6th Geography/ Maps

3 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Goals: SWBAT take notes on structures around their home. SWBAT to create a map with features of their neighborhood and a map key. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: SWBAT use visual information in order to create a map. Process/Skills: SWBAT analyze the relationship between two maps. Values/Dispositions: SWBAT analyze the usefulness of different types of maps.

4 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Rationale: In this lesson the students will learn about geography and how to create a map. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.9 Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic. National – NCSS Themes Culture; Time, Continuity, and Change

5 Materials Large White Construction Paper (at least one sheet per student) Pencils/ erasers Colored markers, crayons, or pencils Maps of your local area and other city maps Computers Students may use this website to look at different maps around the world. Students may use this website to help create their own map. This website has a variety of games for students to play. This website will help student learn the geography of the USA This website has different interactive maps that the students can study/ use as a resource to create their own map.

6 Objective

7 Students will learn about geography and the types of features geographers study and why. Features: Town centers, shops, major buildings, roads, terrain. Discuss the symbols used to represent the features stated above. Introduce the idea of the map key. As a class review an actual map and show the students all of the different types of features on the map. Objective

8 Intuitive

9 Intuitive Have the students go around their neighborhood with a parent or guardian to create a map of their neighborhood. Have the students walk two blocks in each direction taking notes on what they see (houses, parks, terrain, businesses, ect..) Have the students take notes as they walk around their neighborhood and make sketches if possible. This can be done around the students neighborhood or the class could take a trip around the school neighborhood.

10 Positive/Strengths

11 Positive/Strengths In class after the students have collected the data around their neighborhood. Have the students draw a map of their neighborhood with the data they have collected. After they have created their map have to students write about what they have learned and the strength of creating the maps.

12 Negatives/Weaknesses

13 In their journals the students will also journal about the weaknesses and negatives of creating a map, the way that they had. Negatives/Weaknesses

14 Creative

15 Creative Students will work together come up with a solution that would better fit creating a map. Together they will collaborate to decide on the best way to create a map. Is it taking notes and then creating the map? Or is there a more effective way?What do geographers do?

16 Thinking About Thinking

17 Throughout the lesson the students will be journaling about what they have been learning and the process of map making. They will journal about the steps they have taken and the steps to come.

18 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson deBono’s Thinking Hats Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Assessment: 1. Students will be assessed on the journals they will be writing in and off of their maps. Their maps should have a key and and be clearly written and drawn. As for the journals they will indicate what they students have learned from creating the maps. Also the journals should include the positives and negatives of map building, alternate solutions, and the next step. Online Resources: 1.

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