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WVU Chemical Hygiene Officer Training Protecting Our People and Our Animals.

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Presentation on theme: "WVU Chemical Hygiene Officer Training Protecting Our People and Our Animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 WVU Chemical Hygiene Officer Training Protecting Our People and Our Animals

2 What are the Issues?  People  Allergens  Animals  Stress  Bacterial/Viral/Parasitic Contamination  Image  Public Relations  Animal Rights

3 How can we resolve these concerns?  The Don’ts and Do’s  Don’t bring anything into the facility that does not have to be there  Coats/Hats  Backpacks  Notebooks/Paper  People  Equipment/Supplies  Lab Coats  Don’t use the facility as a shortcut

4 How can we resolve these concerns?  The Don’ts and Do’s (continued)  Do sanitize hands or gloved hands  Before getting disposable PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)  Frequently when handling multiple cages or animals  After you remove your gloves  Do wear appropriate PPE for the room you will be entering (and put it on correctly)  Do follow the steps on the (soon to be posted) signs for entering/exiting each animal room

5 How can we resolve these concerns?  The Don’ts and Do’s (continued)  Do use an appropriate container to transport the animal  Do cover it  Do use the appropriate elevator  Freight Elevator in the Health Sciences North building  Service Elevators in the Health Sciences South building  Use good judgment  Please ask questions

6 Contact:  Crowell, Doug Assistant Director - OLAR HSC Animal Lab ResourcesPhone:(304) 293-2721 Fax:(304) 293-5953

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