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Class 3 Autumn Term 2015 Lighting Up Our World Welcome to Class 3! This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this term. Music.

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Presentation on theme: "Class 3 Autumn Term 2015 Lighting Up Our World Welcome to Class 3! This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this term. Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 3 Autumn Term 2015 Lighting Up Our World Welcome to Class 3! This pamphlet outlines the content of the curriculum to be covered this term. Music Rhythmic patterns / Melodic phrases P-bone French Body Parts Classroom commands Music Rhythmic patterns / Melodic phrases P-bone French Body Parts Classroom commands RE What are the deeper Meanings of the festivals? PSHCE New Beginnings RE What are the deeper Meanings of the festivals? PSHCE New Beginnings ICT Programming. Purple Mash, Education City, Learning Platform. Researching skills Internet Research ICT Programming. Purple Mash, Education City, Learning Platform. Researching skills Internet Research Art/DT Create colours of sunset Mexican Metapec Style Sun Faces Posters - dangers of sunlight Use mirrors to draw self portraits Shadow drawings & puppets Space artists Art/DT Create colours of sunset Mexican Metapec Style Sun Faces Posters - dangers of sunlight Use mirrors to draw self portraits Shadow drawings & puppets Space artists PE & Games Swimming Teamwork Gymnastics Dance PE & Games Swimming Teamwork Gymnastics Dance Geography Our World Map/Atlas work – Continents, Countries, Equator, Hemispheres & Arctic/Antarctic History How has the world changed? Geography Our World Map/Atlas work – Continents, Countries, Equator, Hemispheres & Arctic/Antarctic History How has the world changed? Science Light and shadows Planet Earth and the Sun Night and Day Looking after our world Dangers of sunlight Science Light and shadows Planet Earth and the Sun Night and Day Looking after our world Dangers of sunlight English Story writing Descriptive writing Recounts Poetry Homophones Editing and developing writing Up-levelling Weekly Guided Reading English Story writing Descriptive writing Recounts Poetry Homophones Editing and developing writing Up-levelling Weekly Guided Reading Maths Number bonds to 1000 and beyond 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 times tables Doubling and Halving 2D/3D shapes & their properties Solving problems Time, fractions and data Maths Number bonds to 1000 and beyond 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 times tables Doubling and Halving 2D/3D shapes & their properties Solving problems Time, fractions and data Lighting Up Our World Lighting Up Our World

2 Class 3 Newsletter September 2015 Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to Class 3! I hope your son/daughter is pleased to be back at school and looking forward to the year ahead. I am very excited to be joining the teaching staff this year and cannot wait to get started. Mrs Healy will be the class Teaching Assistant during the mornings and some afternoons. The class will also regularly have the support of Mrs Stanford and Mrs Houghton throughout the week. Mrs Dicocco will teach the class every Friday, whilst I have planning and NQT time. Reading In class we aim to listen to your child read as often as possible. We ask that you support your child’s reading by spending time every day listening to them read, reading to them, talking about what you have just read and, most importantly, enjoying reading! I strongly recommend that you spend time, every night, reading with your child and please remember to make a note in their ‘Reading Record’. As well as their individual reading the children will be heard during our weekly Guided Reading sessions, where we will carry on studying a range of different text types to help improve comprehension and inferential skills. We would like every child to have a book ‘on the go’ which is bought to school each day in their book bag (or kept in their tray at school). We encourage children to bring in different sorts of books that they enjoy, but we also have a great selection of books in the classroom and are always happy to lend them out to budding readers! Homework I will be setting homework fortnightly and children will be provided with a specific book in which to complete this. The homework will provide children the opportunity to present learning in creative and interesting ways. All of the homework will be closely linked to literacy, numeracy and topic. The children will be able to choose any medium to present their work and I encourage parents to get involved and discuss ideas with your child. When the homework is collected in we will hold a gallery in the class where children share and each others work. If you have any queries regarding homework and would like further information please do not hesitate to discuss this with me. Information regarding this will be posted on the learning platform. We have a set of maths games for the children to take home. They will be sent out every other Thursday and must be returned in time for re-allocating to another child within two weeks. The children will be responsible for ensuring that all contents are correct before they are re-allocated. I hope that you will enjoy playing the games with your child! This Term’s Topic Our first topic of the term is “Lighting Up Our World”. This exciting topic will cover light and shadows, as well as finding out more about the world around us. This topic is mostly science and geography based and we will investigate light sources, explore shadows and find out about the Earth’s orbit of the Sun. Later on in the term we will discover more about what’s under our feet, the structure of the Earth, including rock types and how soil is made. As we develop our science skills our work this term will involve experimenting, investigating, researching and some very exciting model making. Watch this space! Big Writing Every other week all children in Class 3 will complete a Big Write activity. This will provide an opportunity for children to complete extended pieces of independent writing. As in year 2 the learning environment will be carefully set and in order to prepare for the session I will send home details of the ‘talk for writing’ and it will also be found on the Class 3 page of the learning platform. The Big Write is an excellent chance for your child to work towards or consolidate their targets. Targets I will be setting the children numeracy and literacy targets. If you have any queries about your child’s targets or would like further information on how you can help them at home, please call in and discuss this with me. PE and Swimming This half-term PE lessons will take place on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school at all times (black shorts, purple t-shirt and plimsolls/trainers). I would also encourage you to ensure that when the weather turns colder the children should have black tracksuit bottoms, a black fleece/jumper and trainers within their PE bag. During this term, Year 3 will be having weekly swimming lessons at Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre. More details regarding this will be released as soon as possible. The Learning Platform Your child continues to have access to the Learning Platform. Please encourage your child to access the learning platform, a link to the page is on the school website. I will upload games and activities into the Year 3 page to support your child across the curriculum. If you feel that you are able to offer any knowledge on our topic or provide support in class, please feel free to call in and discuss this with me. It looks to be a very busy and exciting half term! If you have any concerns about your son/daughter or any questions/queries then please feel free to call into class after school to speak to me. Many thanks, Miss O’Reilly Class 3 Teacher

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