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Top Research Priorities of STDWG Impact of a RCT of HSV-2 suppression in prevention of HIV infection (Discretionary funds--039 and R01) Association of.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Research Priorities of STDWG Impact of a RCT of HSV-2 suppression in prevention of HIV infection (Discretionary funds--039 and R01) Association of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Research Priorities of STDWG Impact of a RCT of HSV-2 suppression in prevention of HIV infection (Discretionary funds--039 and R01) Association of male circumcision with risk for HIV infection and RCT to measure public health impact of circumcision for HIV prevention (Discretionary funds-- R01) Utility of a male microbicide for uncircumcised men to prevent HIV acquisition (041) Comprehensive community-based STD interventions with core group, bridging and general population interventions. (Hybrid study) Behavioral intervention for MSM with STDs as outcome (Behavioral and STDWGs)

2 STD Intervention Trials to Prevent HIV LocationDesignInterventionPopulationOutcomePub. MwanzaCRTSyndrome vs. standard of care. CommunityHIV Incid. 42% Lancet 96 RakaiCRTMass Rx vs. Syndromic. CommunityHIV Incid. Unchanged Lancet 99 PeruCRT1. Enh. Syndr 2. Enh. Syndr + Outreach CSW 3. Status Quo Pharmacies (24 cities) HIV high- risk STD gen. population ongoing US, Peru, Zimbabwe, Zambia RCTHSV-2 suppress Rx with acyclovir 2148 HSV-2 + women/MSM HIVHPTN 039 ThailandCRTPrev. behav. Intervention Military conscripts Squadrons Reduction in STDs; HIV trend A. Intern Med 2000

3 STD Intervention Trials to Prevent HIV LocationDesignInterventionPopulationOutcome Pub. Hlabisa, RSACRTHWT + STD Synd Packets vs Routine syndromic 1 0 health clinics Improv. Mgmt of urethral discharge. AIDS 2000 Carletonville, RSA CRTPeer Ed, condoms + improv. STD serv. vs Reg. Ed + health provisions. Mining Commun & CSW CT, GCSTD 2000 ZimbabweCRTSynd & Presumptive Rx vs Syndr only Mine Comm, CSW STDs, HIV Zimbabwe, Zambia CRTPeer ed, presumptive Rx of CSW vs routine Rx & peer ed, vs routine synd Rx Mine Comm, CSW STDs, HIV Ivory CoastRCTMonthly intensive Rx vs Syndromic Rx only CSWSTDs, HIV

4 Acquisition Probabilities per Act by HSV-2 Status of HIV-Negative Partner

5 HSV-2 and HIV: Relevance for HIV prevention Is suppressive ACV for HIV prevention reasonable?  If effective, still a useful intervention when ART becomes more widely available  Increased probability of HIV acquisition among HSV2+ even at lowest HIV viral loads  ACV is cheaper, less infrastructure needed than HAART  Applicable to larger proportion of HIV+ (70-80% HSV2+ in Africa) than HAART based on CD4, and symptoms

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