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MPAR Symposium / Implementation Strategy MPAR Risk-Reduction Implementation Strategy 08091011121314151617181920 Fiscal Year RDT&E NSSL, MIT/LL, others.

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Presentation on theme: "MPAR Symposium / Implementation Strategy MPAR Risk-Reduction Implementation Strategy 08091011121314151617181920 Fiscal Year RDT&E NSSL, MIT/LL, others."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPAR Symposium / Implementation Strategy MPAR Risk-Reduction Implementation Strategy 08091011121314151617181920 Fiscal Year RDT&E NSSL, MIT/LL, others NWRT Demo 1 Wx Demo 2 Wx/Acft Algorithm DevAlgorithm & Software Dev Tradeoff Analyses Testing Upgrade to Active Sub-array Scan Strategies FAA IOC for Wx & ASR RFI Concept Def 3 Contractors, FP Solicit Industry Day Award RFP 2 Contractors, CPFF Fly-Off Full RFP Dev Solicit RFP RFP Dev Award Cost-Benefit Study Pre-Prod Model RFP Dev Dev Limited Prod 1 Contractor, CPFF Solicit Award OT&EDT&E Concept Definition / System Development Analysis of Alternatives Siting/Spectrum Site Surveys Site Acq & Prep Spectrum Approvals Spectrum & Siting Requirements Analysis Management Approach Agency Internal Test & Eval Org Ops Support Org Program Council Oversight Joint System Program Office Ops Concept Development Reqts Analysis Reqts Def Definition & Refinement Employment Concept Refinement P3I Dev Tradeoffs – Design to Budget Refinement DOD CPD DOD CDD DOD ICD DOD FSA DOD POM Bld DOD DP KDP1 (Def need, priority, and $) KDP2 (Select design & move to demo/test) KDP3 (Full Scale Dev) KDP4 (Full Prod) DOD DP Mission & Service Needs Analysis and Requirements BASC Study Svc Analysis FAA DP Init Acq Review Wx & Air Replace ASR-8/9? Replace 88D?

2 Ops Concept Development Reqts Analysis Reqts Def Definition & Refinement Employment Concept Refinement P3I Dev Tradeoffs – Design to Budget Refinement DOD CPD DOD CDD DOD ICD DOD FSA DOD POM Bld DOD DP KDP1 (Def need, priority, and $) KDP2 (Select design & move to demo/test) KDP3 (Full Scale Dev) KDP4 (Full Prod) DOD DP Mission & Service Needs Analysis and Requirements BASC Study Svc Analysis MPAR Symposium / Implementation Strategy MPAR Risk-Reduction Implementation Strategy 08091011121314151617181920 Fiscal Year RDT&E NSSL, MIT/LL, others NWRT Demo 1 Wx Demo 2 Wx/Acft Algorithm DevAlgorithm & Software Dev Tradeoff Analyses Testing Upgrade to Active Sub-array Scan Strategies FAA IOC for Wx & ASR FAA DP Init Acq Review Wx & Air Replace ASR-8/9? Replace 88D?

3 MPAR Symposium / Implementation Strategy MPAR Risk-Reduction Implementation Strategy 08091011121314151617181920 Fiscal Year RDT&E NSSL, MIT/LL, others NWRT Demo 1 Wx Demo 2 Wx/Acft Algorithm DevAlgorithm & Software Dev Tradeoff Analyses Testing Upgrade to Active Sub-array Scan Strategies RFI Concept Def 3 Contractors, FP Solicit Industry Day Award RFP 2 Contractors, CPFF Fly-Off Full RFP Dev Solicit RFP RFP Dev Award Cost-Benefit Study Pre-Prod Model RFP Dev Dev Limited Prod 1 Contractor, CPFF Solicit Award OT&EDT&E Concept Definition / System Development Analysis of Alternatives Siting/Spectrum Site Surveys Site Acq & Prep Spectrum Approvals Spectrum & Siting Requirements Analysis Management Approach Agency Internal Test & Eval Org Ops Support Org Program Council Oversight Joint System Program Office FAA DP Init Acq Review Wx & Air Replace ASR-8/9? Replace 88D? FAA IOC for Wx & ASR Ops Concept Development Reqts Analysis Reqts Def Definition & Refinement Employment Concept Refinement P3I Dev Tradeoffs – Design to Budget Refinement DOD CPD DOD CDD DOD ICD DOD FSA DOD POM Bld DOD DP KDP1 (Def need, priority, and $) KDP2 (Select design & move to demo/test) KDP3 (Full Scale Dev) KDP4 (Full Prod) DOD DP Mission & Service Needs Analysis and Requirements BASC Study Svc Analysis As of 29 Jan 08

4 4 MPAR Symposium / Implementation Strategy FAA is committed to R&D funds to assess MPAR as a: –Cost-effective backup to next-generation cooperative surveillance system –Possible replacement for legacy weather radars NOAA has been funding the National Weather Radar Testbed at annual baseline rate –NOAA in final stages of identifying additional funding beginning in FY10 for MPAR risk-reduction program From Under Secretary mtg on North American Air Defense –DoD and DHS must take active role in assessing emerging approaches to improving the Nation’s surveillance capabilities, including MPAR MPAR Program Status

5 5 Summary MPAR planning process has included federal agencies, academia, military laboratories, and radar industry Initial analysis indicates MPAR is technically feasible to meet multiple user needs Affordability issue can only be addressed through a managed risk-reduction R&D program Large cost of R&D effort for MPAR beyond scope of any one agency –Requires interagency cooperation to succeed Now is the time to begin evaluation of MPAR

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