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Introduction In positron emission tomography (PET), each line of response (LOR) has a different sensitivity due to the scanner's geometry and detector.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction In positron emission tomography (PET), each line of response (LOR) has a different sensitivity due to the scanner's geometry and detector."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction In positron emission tomography (PET), each line of response (LOR) has a different sensitivity due to the scanner's geometry and detector properties. In order to achieve artifact-free and good quality images, these non-uniformities must be corrected using normalization factors (NFs). A widely used normalization method is the component-based normalization (CBN), where the number of parameters to estimate is dramatically reduced by modelling the efficiency of each LOR as a product of multiple factors. In the CBN, the components can be separated into time-invariant, time- variant and acquisition-dependent components. The crystal efficiencies are the main time-variant factor and are updated by a regular normalization scan. However, the effective crystal efficiencies can change between normalization scans for many reasons, including, for example, variations in temperature. Therefore, it would be advantageous to be able to estimate the effective crystal efficiencies directly for each unique emission scan. Self-Normalization of 3D PET Data by Estimating Scan-Dependent Effective Crystal Efficiencies Martin A. Belzunce and Andrew J. Reader King's College London, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK crystal interference geometric factors crystal efficiencies dead-time axial factors Overview The aim is to estimate scan-dependent effective crystal efficiencies directly from emission data using a component-based normalization (CBN). The proposed method, which includes exploitation of time- invariant normalization factors, enables the reconstruction of good quality images without the need for a separate normalization scan. Component-Based Normalization Results with Simulated Data N C : complete normalization factors N TI : time-invariant components (geometric, crystal interference, axial factors) N TV : time-variant components (crystal efficiencies) N AQ : acquisition-dependent components (dead-time) Normalization Factor in Bin i: Component Classification: Scan-Dependent Crystal Efficiencies Complete Forward Model in EM reconstruction: Time-Invariant Forward Model: Reconstruction q: projected image using the complete forward model q TI : projected image using the a forward model with only time-invariant factors f c : image reconstructed with complete normalization factors f artifact : image reconstructed with time-invariant normalization factors X: x-ray transform that projects image into a sinogram Ratio of two noisy vectors We can estimate time variant normalization factors with: b : emission sinogram N TV depends only on the crystal efficiencies. If we work in crystal space, the number of parameters to estimate is reduced by 4 orders of magnitude and a variance reduction is achieved. Self-Normalization Algorithm 1. The time-variant NFs (N TV ) are generated from the current crystal efficiencies estimate x k. 2. The complete NFs are generated with N C = N TV · N TI. 3. The measured emission fully 3D sinogram b is reconstructed into image f k and using N C. 4. f k is projected into a sinogram p k using N C and the complete forward model. 5. C[] is applied to the projected and to the input sinograms. 6. The ratio between C[b] and C[p k ] is computed to estimate the current crystal efficiencies. Sinogram to Crystal Operator Fan-sum algorithm to get the crystal efficiency of one crystal from the N TV sinogram: We use both detectors in a sinogram bin to reduce uncertainty. The operator in matrix notation: Crystal to Sinogram Operator Each sinogram bin represents a unique combination of two crystal elements (span 1 and without polar mashing). Efficiency of a sinogram bin: Matrix operator: D 1 : matrix with as many rows as bins and columns as crystal element. It has a 1 for each row to identify detector 1. D 2 : likewise for detector 2. : Hadamard product (element by element) : Matrix multiplication OP-OSEM reconstruction with Project reconstructed image Transform to crystal-space Ratio between emission and projected sinograms in crystal space Iter 1 Iter 2 Xtals in Norm Four sets of crystal efficiencies were simulated. Set 1 had a normal distribution with the same standard deviation as the one found in the Biograph mMR normalization files. Sets 2 and 3 had a normal distribution with, respectively, 5 and 10 times the standard deviation of set 1. The remaining set had a uniform distribution between 0 and 2 (set 4). For each set of crystal efficiencies, 3D sinograms were simulated by projecting a uniform cylinder and a brain phantom and multiplying them by the complete normalization factors. Poisson noise was introduced in the sinograms. Conclusions A method to estimate successfully scan-dependent crystal efficiencies is presented. The algorithm permits the reconstruction of good quality images without having performed a recent normalization scan, by using only the time-invariant NFs. With real data, it was found that an inaccurate scatter estimate can introduce a bias that needs to be compensated for in order to achieve good results. Results with Real Data Set 2 Set 4 BrainWeb Phantom A striatal phantom (model RS-901T, Radiology Support Devices Inc.) was scanned filled with 18 F in the background and 5 times that activity in the caudate and the putamen. Unit crystal efficiencies Estimated crystal efficiencies Example of reconstruction after 1 iteration Reconstruct with new crystal efficiencies References [1] A. Salomon et al, ”A Self-Normalization Reconstruction Technique for PET Scans Using the Positron Emission Data,” IEEE TMI, vol. 31, pp 2234-40, 2012. [2] G. Delso et al, ”Performance Measurements of the Siemens mMR Integrated Whole-Body PET/MR Scanner,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 52, pp. 1914-1922, December 01, 2011. [3] M. E. Casey et al, ”A component based method for normalization in volume PET,” Proc. 3rd Int. Meeting of Fully 3D Image Reconstruction, 67-71, 1995. [4] R. D. Badawi et al, ”Algorithms for calculating detector efficiency normalization coefficients for true coincidences in 3D PET,” Phys Med Biol, vol 43, 1998. Self- Normalization for simulations with set 2 and set 4 of crystal efficiencies Image quality parameters

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