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Chapter Ten Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders.

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2 Chapter Ten Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders

3 Defining Autism Spectrum Disorders  Fastest growing developmental disability  Students with autism spectrum disorders exhibit a range of cognitive and functional skills  One of five pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) 3


5 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Autism is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, usually evident before age 3, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual response to sensory experiences. The term does not apply if a child’s educational performance is adversely affected because a child has an emotional disturbance. 5

6 Asperger Syndrome Characteristics  Social disorder  Average to above average intelligence  Ability to read at grade level (with or without comprehension)  Language development not significantly delayed  Representative common characteristics: – Social awkwardness – Difficulty understanding non-verbal social cues – Concrete and literal thinking – Restricted range of interests – Good rote memory skills – Difficulty understanding feelings of others 6

7 – Students with ASD may have strong visual-spatial abilities, nonverbal problem- solving skills or exceptional auditory memories

8 Brief History of the Field – Psychogenic theories Early work blamed families, particularly mothers, for the child’s autism. The phrase “refrigerator mothers” was used for mothers who were thought not to show their children enough affection. This theory has been discredited but caused great stress in families who were blamed for their child’s disability. – Organic theories Research in the 1940s and 1950s showed the likelihood of biological or hereditary factors. Incidence of seizures and association with intellectual disability lead to biological or hereditary factors. – Behavioral theories Environmental factors may contribute to autism. Alteration of the environment may help the individual to achieve success. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) seeks to modify students’ behavior through reinforcing select behaviors 8

9 CDC's most recent surveillance data indicate that about one in 68 children has been identified with ASD (CDC 2015)

10 Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders Differing statistics: – 51,00 preschoolers were identified with autism in 2013 – Autism spectrum disorders are five times higher in males than in females – 1 in every 88 pupils at age 8 identified (CDC) – 1 in 68 children are diagnosed – U.S. government indicates that approximately 407,000 pupils ages 6-21 were identified in the 2011-2012 school year 10

11 Suspected Etiologies of Autism Spectrum Disorders Suspected Etiologies of ASD – No single cause – A genetic link is suspected based on family and twin studies – Environmental stressors – Brain abnormalities in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and brain stem – Neurochemical research investigating neurotransmitters in the brain – Vaccinations have not been scientifically linked to ASD 11

12 Characteristics of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders  Social interaction symptoms  Communication symptoms  Repetitive and restrictive behaviors  Other characteristics 12

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14 Characteristics of Individuals with ASD – Social interaction symptoms Difficulties with nonverbal language use and interpretation, difficulty developing peer relationships, lack of social and emotional reciprocity with others, difficulty understanding other’s perspectives and opinions – Communication symptoms Limited or lack of speech, speech often is not functional or echoes the speech of others, deficits in conversational skills and pragmatics, lack of spontaneous language use, rhythm of speech in abnormal – Repetitive and restrictive behaviors Preoccupation with at least one interest area, inflexibility to changes in routines, stereotypical and repetitive behaviors, attachment to inanimate objects – Other characteristics Refer to Table 10.2 for others commonly associated characteristics


16 Assessment of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Intellectual Assessment – Often significant cognitive deficits Screening and Diagnosis – Based on behavioral symptoms – Developmental screening – Comprehensive evaluation Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) Autism Diagnostic Interview—Revised (ADI-R) 16




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21 Services for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders  Early intervention services  Emphasis on communication and social skills and safety issues  Curriculum issues  Preschool programs  Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is often an effective intervention for many young children with autism spectrum disorders 21

22 Transition into Adulthood Transition planning: Questions to ask  What does your child like to do?  What does your child need to reach his goals?  What about college and getting a job?  Where will your child live?  What about transportation?  What about friendships and leisure activities?  Will supports exist for your child as an adult? 22

23 Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Living arrangements  Adult foster care  Residential services Employment opportunities 23

24 Family Issues  Quest for a diagnosis  Accessing appropriate services  Family dynamics 24

25 Issues of Diversity According to the Autism Society of America, ASD knows no racial, ethnic, or social boundaries. ASD occurs in all parts of the world, in all races and societies, and in all types of families. As we saw earlier, no social or psychological characteristics of parents or families have proven to be associated with autism spectrum disorders. 25

26 Technology and Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders High-tech – Augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) – Voice output communication aids (VOCAs) Low-tech – Visual strategies such as the use of signs or pictures to communicate; e.g. the picture exchange communication system (PECS) 26

27 Trends, Issues, and Controversies  Multitudes of treatments that promise results but have no scientific evidence (including: dietary treatments, hormone injections, music therapy, optometric training, facilitated communication)  Lack of rigorous research into new treatments 27

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