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CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT WAID ACADEMY Metals. Which of the metals shown can be found uncombined in the Earth's crust? 20 1.Magnesium 2.Aluminium 3.Sodium.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT WAID ACADEMY Metals. Which of the metals shown can be found uncombined in the Earth's crust? 20 1.Magnesium 2.Aluminium 3.Sodium."— Presentation transcript:


2 Which of the metals shown can be found uncombined in the Earth's crust? 20 1.Magnesium 2.Aluminium 3.Sodium 4.Copper

3 Which of the metals shown is extracted from its ore using electricity? 20 1.Copper 2.Aluminium 3.Iron 4.Silver

4 Which metal is extracted from its ore by heating the ore with carbon in a Blast furnace? 20 1.Iron 2.Gold 3.Aluminium 4.Silver

5 Which non-metal element is a conductor of electricity? 20 1.Sulphur. 2.Phosphorus. 3.Iodine. 4.Carbon.

6 Which of the metals shown is a soft, high density metal used for radiation protection? 30 1.Aluminium 2.Lead. 3.Copper. 4.Mercury.

7 Use the data booklet to find out which of the metals shown has the highest density. 30 1.Calcium. 2.Iron. 3.Gold. 4.Silver.

8 Which metal reacts violently with water? 20 1.Aluminium 2.Copper. 3.Iron. 4.Sodium.

9 Which metal does not react with dilute acid? 20 1.Magnesium. 2.Copper. 3.Zinc. 4.Iron.

10 The test for hydrogen gas is that it 20 1.relights a glowing splint. 2.turns lime water milky. 3.turns pH paper red. 4.burns with a 'pop'.

11 Which of the metals shown is the most reactive? 20 1.Magnesium. 2.Copper. 3.Zinc. 4.Iron.

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