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LETTER STYLES AND PUNCTUATION. BLOCK VS MODIFIED PLACEMENT BLOCKMODIFIED DateLeft MarginCenter Point Inside AddressLeft Margin SalutationLeft Margin BodyLeft.

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Presentation on theme: "LETTER STYLES AND PUNCTUATION. BLOCK VS MODIFIED PLACEMENT BLOCKMODIFIED DateLeft MarginCenter Point Inside AddressLeft Margin SalutationLeft Margin BodyLeft."— Presentation transcript:


2 BLOCK VS MODIFIED PLACEMENT BLOCKMODIFIED DateLeft MarginCenter Point Inside AddressLeft Margin SalutationLeft Margin BodyLeft Margin Comp. ClosingLeft MarginCenter Point Typed NameLeft MarginCenter Point Ref. InitialsLeft Margin EnclosureLeft Margin Copy NotationLeft Margin

3 BLOCK FORMAT Everything at left margin 4-6 lines between date and inside address Double space after address Double space after salutation Paragraphs are single spaced

4 BLOCK FORMAT (cont.) Double space between paragraphs Double space before complimentary closing Quadruple space before typed name Double space before reference initials Enclosure notation and copy notation immediately follow reference initials

5 MODIFIED BLOCK FORMAT Date, complimentary closing, typed name, and title at center point (not centered) Paragraphs may be indented or at left margin Everything else is the same as block format

6 PERSONAL BUSINESS LETTER May use block or modified block style No reference initials required because you are usually the one writing the letter Your address goes after your typed name Usually typed on plain paper Used for cover letters and follow-up letters (thank you letters)

7 PUNCTUATION STYLES Mixed or Standard –Colon after salutation –Comma after complimentary closing

8 PUNCTUATION STYLES (cont.) Open punctuation –No punctuation used after salutation or closing

9 SALUTATION EXAMPLES Dear (Mr., Mrs., Ms.) (last name) Ladies and Gentlemen Dear Sir or Madam Never use To Whom It May Concern

10 COMPLIMENTARY CLOSING EXAMPLES Sincerely yours (most common) Sincerely Very truly yours Cordially yours Respectfully yours

11 SIGNATURE BLOCK Name is typed exactly as it will be signed Title is optional Short title may be included on same line as name Long title should be place under the typed name

12 REFERENCE INITIALS Usually you would type your initials two spaces after the typed name Always typed in lower case

13 ENCLOSURE NOTATION Typed directly under the reference initials May type the word “Enclosure(s)” or Enclosure: (list what is enclosed)

14 COPY NOTATION When sending a copy to another person, you use a lower case ‘c’ and then tab once and type the person’s name that will receive the copy For multiple copies, you would type a lower case ‘c’ and then tab once and type each person’s name on a separate line in alphabetical order

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