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This lesson introduces colons and how they can be used. COLONS ::

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Presentation on theme: "This lesson introduces colons and how they can be used. COLONS ::"— Presentation transcript:

1 This lesson introduces colons and how they can be used. COLONS ::

2 RULES TO SUCCESS In understanding how a colon is used! :::

3 COLON RULES #1 - to show something is to follow (a list of a single item or multiple items as well) Please bring the following to class: pencil, paper, and textbooks. #2 - when writing a salutation of a business letter Dear Sir: Dear Ms. Brown: #3 - when using numerals to indicate time, volume, or page, etc. 3:30 Popular Science 8:81 #4 - Use the colon to introduce a direct quotation that is more than three lines in length. When quotes are this long, no quotation marks are used. #5 - when two independent clauses are combined and the second further explains the first.

4 COLONS - A LIST #1 - to show something is to follow follow (a list of a single item or multiple items as well) Please bring the following to class: pencil, paper, and textbooks. Add the following item to your recipe: brown sugar. These positions are open at the new store in town: administrative assistant, creative manager, and field photographer. When a colon is used to list in a sentence, it must be preceded by a full independent clause. :

5 Colons – in business letters #2 - when writing a salutation of a business letter Dear Sir: Dear Ms. Brown: Colons are more formal than a comma and show a sign of respect to the unknown recipient of the letter. Reminder: commas are reserved for friendly letters while colons are for business letters :

6 Colons – with numbers #3 - when using numerals to indicate time, volume, or page, etc. 3:30 Popular Science 8:81 NOTE: The colon is used to separate the hour from minutes or the volume from the page :

7 COLONS WITH QUOTES #4 - Use the colon to introduce a direct quotation that is more than three lines in length. When quotes are this long, no quotation marks are used. Example: The author of American Public School Law wrote: Because a public school is a governmental agency, its conduct is circumscribed by precedents of pubic administrative law supplemented by those legal and historical traditions surrounding an educational organization (1).

8 COLONS WITH INDEPENDENT CLAUSES #5 - when two independent clauses are combined and the second further explains the first. Vote for me as class president: I believe in you! I remember the words of my father very well: “Work hard and you will reap many rewards.” When an independent clause follows a colon, the first word of the clause begins with a capital letter.

9 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::COLONS Use them with lists, business letters, numbers, independent clauses that add further explanation, and quotes that exceed three lines. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::COLONS

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