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Chapter 23-24 Review Game. Amplitude: tells us how much energy a wave has.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23-24 Review Game. Amplitude: tells us how much energy a wave has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23-24 Review Game

2 Amplitude: tells us how much energy a wave has.

3 Wavelength: tells us how long the wave is.

4 What kind of wave is this? A) transverse wave. B) longitudinal wave. C) queen wave. D) mouse wave.

5 What kind of wave is this? A) transverse wave. B) longitudinal wave. C) queen wave. D) mouse wave.

6 What is the bouncing of a wave off a barrier called? A) reflection B) refraction C) diffraction D) interference

7 What is the bending of a wave caused by changing from one medium to another? A) reflection B) refraction C) diffraction D) interference Speed of the wave changes.

8 What is the bending of a wave as it moves around an object or through a narrow opening? A) reflection B) refraction C) diffraction D) interference

9 What happens when the amplitude of a wave gets smaller and smaller as it passes through a material? A) reflection B) refraction C) diffraction D) absorption

10 The source of all wave motion is a A) wave pattern. B) harmonic object. C) vibrating object. D) region of variable high and low pressure.

11 What type of interference occurs when two waves meet and the amplitude increases? A) Constructive interference. B) Destructive interference. C) Pass interference. D) None of these.

12 Human perception of frequency. A) Pitch B) Intensity C) Loudness D) None of these

13 If you double the frequency of a vibrating object, its period A) doubles. B) halves. C) is quartered. D) none of these.

14 During a single period, the distance traveled by a wave is A) one-half wavelength. B) one wavelength. C) two wavelengths. D) none of these.

15 A pendulum makes one complete swing over and back in 10 seconds. Its frequency is: A) one-half second. B) one second. C) two seconds. D) none of these.

16 A sound wave is a A) longitudinal wave. B) transverse wave. C) standing wave. d) none of these.

17 Sound travels faster in A) air. B) water. C) steel. D) Sound travels at about the same speed in all of these.

18 We are best at hearing A) infrasonic sound. B) ultrasonic sound. C) both of these. D) neither of these. We hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.

19 A sound source of high frequency emits a high A) speed. B) amplitude. C) pitch. D) all of these. Pitch and frequency go together.

20 A Doppler effect occurs when a source of sound moves A) toward you. B) away from you. C) both of these. D) none of these.

21 What is the bending of a wave around a barrier? A) reflection B) refraction C) diffraction D) interference

22 This is the formula for: v = velocity V= f  wavelength f = frequency f=V/ =V/f

23 A wave has a frequency of 10 hz and a wavelength of 2 m. What is the speed? v = velocity V= f  wavelength f = frequency V = 2 m x 10 hz V = 20 m/sec

24 A wave with an amplitude of 2cm and a wavelength of 4 cm.

25 A wave with an amplitude of 3cm and a wavelength of 3 cm.

26 A wave with an amplitude of 4cm and a wavelength of 2 cm.

27 In a longitudinal wave, the compressions and rarefactions travel in A) to and fro. B) up and down. C) neither. D) none of these.

28 Which of the following is not a transverse wave? A) sound B) light C) radio D) all of these

29 A wave travels an average distance of 1 m in 1 s with a frequency of 1 Hz. Its amplitude is A) less than 1 m. B) 1 m. C) more than 1 m. D) not enough information to say.

30 A wave travels an average distance of 1 m in 1 s with a frequency of 1 Hz. Its period is A) less than 1 sec. B) 1 sec. C) more than 1 sec. D) not enough information to say.

31 Double the frequency of sound and you also double its A) wavelength. B) speed. C) amplitude. D) none of these

32 What is two or more wave overlap and combine together? A) reflection B) refraction C) diffraction D) interference

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