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Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -1- Antennas & Propagation Mischa Dohler King’s College London Centre for Telecommunications Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -1- Antennas & Propagation Mischa Dohler King’s College London Centre for Telecommunications Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -1- Antennas & Propagation Mischa Dohler King’s College London Centre for Telecommunications Research

2 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -2- Books for Propagation - Simon Saunders “Antennas & Propagation” - William Jakes “Microwave Mobile Communications” - Kaveh Pahlavan “Wireless Information Networks” - try to omit articles and books from:

3 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -3- Overview of Lecture VIII - Scenarios - Propagation Mechanisms

4 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -4- Propagation Scenarios

5 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -5- Satellite Mega Cells

6 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -6- Outdoor-Outdoor Macro, Micro and Umbrella Cells

7 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -7- Outdoor-Indoor Macro and Micro Cells

8 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -8- Indoor-Indoor Micro and Pico Cells

9 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -9- Losses and Deterioration Propagation Mechanisms: (1)Free Space Propagation (2)Reflection and Transmission (3)Scattering (4)Diffraction Distortions: (5) Multipath Propagation (6) Doppler Effect Propagation Conditions: (a)Line of Sight (LOS) (b)non Line of Sight (nLOS) (c)obstructed Line of Sight (oLOS)

10 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -10- Propagation Mechanisms

11 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -11- Free Space Propagation Frii’s Transmission Formula: Variations with Distance d: The dB mysticism: ‘Loss’ Myth:

12 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -12- Reflection and Transmission TE and TM waves Snell’s Law: Fresnel Coefficients: ‘Object Size’ Myth:

13 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -13- Reflection and Transmission Reflection: TE and TM waves Transmission: TE and TM waves

14 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -14- Reflection and Transmission Circular  Elliptical After Reflection or Transmission of non-linear polarisation we always obtain elliptical polarisation. Elliptical  Elliptical Linear  Linear  i  Brewster Left  Right Right  Left Left  Left Right  Right Change of Polarisation

15 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -15- Scattering SmoothRoughRougher Fraunhofer Criterion for smooth surfaces Rayleigh Criterion for smooth surfaces

16 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -16- Scattering Correlation Function Correlation Length Correlation Height Roughness Factor

17 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -17- Diffraction Huygen's Principle ‘Sharp Edges’ Myth Consequences of Diffraction Field-Strength in shadowed areas Rapid Field-strength fluctuations

18 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -18- Diffraction Optical and Shadow Region

19 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -19- Diffraction Diffraction Coefficient

20 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -20- Diffraction Diffraction Coefficient

21 Lecture VIII Antennas & Propagation -21- Diffraction Diffraction Coefficient

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