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DMT 111/3 Engineering Science Semester I 2007/2008.

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1 DMT 111/3 Engineering Science Semester I 2007/2008

2 Engineering Science DMT 111/3 Topics/Chapters: 1. Units and Dimension 2. Force And Motion 3. Work, Power, Energy And Momentum 4. Force On Material 5. Wave 6. Electrostatic 7. Electromagnetic

3 Objectives Learn about physical and science phenomena such as mechanical, heat, wave, sound, light, electrostatic, electromagnetic and DC circuit. The purpose of this course is to give the knowledge for student about science and engineering that involve physicals and sciences phenomena, which is the basic for engineering. Theories, principles, and standard units have been focused for every syllabus so that the student could understand fully about this course.

4 Type of competencies to show for the student after attend this course: (i) Enable to understand standard unit and it application. (ii) Enable to application the concept of work, power, and energy in everyday life. (iii) Enable to understand waveform principles, electrostatic and electromagnetic.

5 Teaching approach: Lecture + tutorial : 100 %

6 Course Syllabus: Chp 1: Units and Dimension Basic units in SI, physical quantity of dimension, homogeneity principles, dimension equation, dimension analysis application. Chp. 2: Force and Motion Scalars dan vectors, speed and velocity, motion equation, Newton’s Law, Force from Newton’s Law.

7 Course Syllabus: Chp. 3: Work, Power, Energy and Momentum Work and standard units, power concept, power calculation, kinetic energy concept and potential energy, the law of conservation of energy. Chp. 4: Forces on Material Strain, Stress, Fracture, Elasticity, and Hooke’s Law.

8 Course Syllabus: Chp. 5: Wave Wave generation from vibrating object, wave motion and its parameters, energy transported by waves. The superposition and interference of sound wave, sound and light as a wave (frequency, wave length, velocity and its relation). Chp. 6: Electrostatic Coulomb’s Law, charge units, electric field, electric force line, capacitance and unit, parallel plate capacitor, capacitor in parallel and series, dielectric constant and its functions.

9 Course Syllabus: Chp. 7: Electromagnetic Magnetic field and unit, electric field around conductor, solenoid, force at motion charges and current in magnetic field.

10 Assessment: Course work: 40 % Final exam: 60 % ASSESSMENTSMARKS (PERCENTAGE) Quiz5% Test 1 & 220% Tutorial15% Final Exam60 % TOTAL100%

11 References: 1) Jerry Wilson, Anthony Buffa. “College Physics”, 5th ed., Pearson Education, 2002. 2) Stephen T. Thornton, Andrew Rex. “Modern Physics for Scientists & Engineers”, 2nd ed, Brooks Cole, 1999. 3) W. Bolton. "Engineering Science". Fourth Edition. Newnes. 2001. 4) John Hannah, M J. Hillier. “Mechanical Engineering Science” Third Edition, Longman Publishing Group. 1999

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